Similar ending

Hi im looking for a movie that has a similar ending. Im fairly sure it is a dance-inspired movie or at least takes place in 80s. It features a man, i think dressed in white, walking in the streets of the city during the day. He walks into the middle of the street with his back to the camera, possibly times square, and does a brief "strut". Then he jumps into the air, freeze frame, and roll credits. Any help is appreciated, i have it stuck in my head from a while ago. I thought it would be either from this or snf. Having caught snf on tv recently, i was inspired to search for it. Perhaps it is an alternate ending, or doesnt exist at all (though im pretty sure it does). Thanks in advance.


might have the one you're looking for; " heading for broadway",about a group of hopefuls trying out for a stage the end sequence, one of the leads, who got the starring part, is out walking and does some kind of leap,then the screen freeze frames,then an illustration of that scene becomes the poster for the stage play.
