MovieChat Forums > Staying Alive (1983) Discussion > A message for people who think this is a...

A message for people who think this is a great movie

Do us all a favor and don't ever review any more films.

If you enjoy this film because of the dancing, the music, the blow-dryed hair, the cheesy story, or any of the other fluff, I don't have a problem with that. I've enjoyed plenty of movies that were bombs. The problem I have, is when people can't tell the difference between a film they enjoy watching and a good film. Some movies I enjoy are bombs, but at least I have enough objectivity to tell when a film is bad and don't walk around trying to convince people it's not. I see it as sort of a guilty pleasure.

I can see how some enjoyed this movie, but it was absolutely terrible.


Again,your opinion,and that is all it is.


Thanks for the tip.

Do you know any members here who don't have opinions?


As long as they realize that we all have opinions,and in the end that is all they are.


I enjoyed the film because it's made by Sylvester Stallone ;)


I enjoy this movie because it brings me back to when I was 10years old, and I thought this movie was awesome LOL. I listened to the soundtrack every day for at least a year, and had my hair cut like Cynthia Rhodes. This move is cheesy fun!


i think its a great movie, i love the storyline, tee music, the hot actresses



I'm gonna have to agree w/ timberline here. It may be fun... but it's by no means a good movie.

But I'm probably singing to an empty choir.


To the OP: ummmm, how about letting people think for themselves
we all(hopefully) have different points of view on what is a good film and what is a bad film
just because a film is widely considered 'terrible' doesn't mean EVERYONE has to think the same way

Why do they have cult films?


It's not just someone's opinion. Generally speaking, intelligent people who are in touch with reality are in rough agreement as to what consitutes viable film and what constitutes laughable tripe, and Staying Alive is laughable tripe. Fact, not opinion.


Spoken like a true pretentious fop. If you're through congratulating yourself over your intellectual level, I'll state my own opinion on this movie. I thought it was fabulous. Whether it made sense or not to you is none of my concern. Movies are art and art is subjective, meaning it is up to the audience to interpret it. Creating the art is just one part of the process. It's the viewers' interpretations that give it life.

I felt that this movie did wonderfully, projecting the characters' emotional states through dance and song. Even the musical at the end was great, as it gave insight into Tony's growth as a character. It seemed to represent man's temptation and then his succumbing to that temptation, after which we see him battle his darkside and best it. Bam. He comes out the victor for all his struggles.

I love this movie. Always will. If it bombed back then, I still don't care. It's still very enjoyable to me. ~DJ


WELL SAID DJ :))))))

DITTO! I remember it did bomb, but I don't care I have the movie and the soundtrack and love them both. It could've been better as a "film" but I find it enjoyable entertainment and loved how we got closure for our beloved character...

~Love Thy Neighbor-Swingtown swinging onto DVD December 16th~
