Best Part Of The Movie...?
Amongst them I liked -
- Laura's introduction.
- Laura & Tony's first meeting.
- Jackie's wave at Tony on the stage at the club. [So sweet!]
- Laura's "Oh no...Oh Tony, you don't think that, do you? Do you? It's just until tomorrow..." [Nice voice!]
- Tony's walk from Manhattan to Brooklyn.
- Jackie & Tony's dance rehearsal.
- Tony & Laura's practice number when Butler leaves.
- Satan's Alley Part 1 [When Laura is introduced in her Satan outfit, I love the way she smirks at Tony when he lowers her down the platform!]
- Satan's Alley Part 2 [The instrumental slow dance number - Love the score here...]
- Satan's Alley Part 3 [The ascent to Heaven...]
- The strut. [Love the outtake of John smiling away from the camera at the end!]
What do you think?