MovieChat Forums > Sleepaway Camp (1983) Discussion > Should I Watch The Rest Of The Films?

Should I Watch The Rest Of The Films?

I watched Return To Sleepaway Camp and it was watchable but then out of curiousity I decided to watch the original film. The original is MUCH better.

I read that the sequels are not good. What do you think? Should I watch the rest of the films?


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The sequels have their moments, but quite honestly none are that great. If you are hoping for a worthy follow-up to the original and its characters, there has yet to be one.


If all you want to see is T&A than 2 & 3 are up your ally but if your like me and just want a story line and no boobs every ten minutes than I wouldn't watch them they are OK but to the director of them was all about the T&A.


I liked the original and the sequels (save for Return), but the sequels have a drastically different tone than the original. They are more (intentionally) silly and comedic and have a lot more sex and boobs. Sleepaway Camp 2 is pretty good (in a so-bad-it's-good way), and Sleepaway Camp 3 is alright but you can tell it was a bit rushed. The sequels don't quite measure up to the original, but they're better than Return to Sleepaway Camp, and they're worth watching if you enjoy 80's slashers.
