This movie is actually really good to me because it defies classification. It's part slasher film, comedy ( some unintentional), camp/kitsch, and some parody. It's the sum total of all of those things in their exact ratios that give the movie it's personality. What makes it REALLY weird to me is the music and how it punctuates the oddest moments. It makes the atmosphere feel super creepy. Of course, there are the things in the movie that are supposed to be creepy, i.e. Aunt Martha, the ending, etc..., but the musical cues tend to trump them all. Also, the actors are so ernest about their material. No one EVER breaks character or smirks at the camera. If the movie IS in fact a joke, then everyone on set is in on it. Even the camera workers. It takes itself super seriously which also adds to it's creepiness. I believe that all involved thought they were making a straight forward suspense/horror movie! Perhaps they were, and all of the weirdness was cultivated in the editing room. Who knows how this movie would have played if it had a different film/music editor. It would have probably been very straight forward and typically boring. I love this movie for being the weird oddball that it is. That said, you can't judge it on just one set of criteria. It's too weird for that.
Another thing that sets this movie apart is it's inability to be reproduced. It would be nigh impossible to re-create the very specific conditions that made up this film. Many have tried and failed. I don't even think the director could do it himself! It's probably because the whole venture was one big accident. Accidents are hard to duplicate, even in a lab.