Just re-watched this movie and I want to talk about the ending. Obviously: SPOILERS.
The massive gunfight at the end is an epic scene, and it's wonderfully shot and put together. It's a really cool gunfight.
But, while I was watching it this time, I kinda felt like maybe a stronger ending would have been to have had miserable, coked-out Tony get blasted by his sister once or twice (as happens), have the sister gunned down (as happens), and have Tony go to his sister (as he does), but just ice him there.
The guys outside get ready to bust in, the shotgun goon climbs up, finds Tony with his sister's corpse, and just kills Tony there.
The irony of the final shot with "THE WORLD IS YOURS" serving as a gaudy headstone for Tony pretty clearly underlines the message of the film, showing us the end of a guy who fulfills his ambition, yet never really "had" anything (since he alienated his friends and loved ones, ruined what really mattered in his life, etc.).
If that's the point of the movie, how pathetic Tony is, does it really help to show him go out with such a cool bang?