The first ok its kind! The first of his kind!
If we located this producctionon the real time, 1983, was the year when the cartels of Colombia and Peru and Bolivia (less knowed) were starting creating big bussines in USA, the time when Castro send to USA all the undesirables "lacra" from Cuba and the most anxious for freedom population scape from this tyrany, the time when in Latin America the "american dream" starting getting form. This movie join historical aspects of latino people than no book of history has records.
The fact that today many productions of "narcos" (drugdealers) appears on movies and TV is just because there was a movie "Caracortada" (Scarface) and a dark hero (Tony Montana) that lead the way for it.
"I’m Tony Montana! You *beep* with me, you *beep* with the best!" TM.