MovieChat Forums > Scarface (1983) Discussion > "Manny, you had it coming"

"Manny, you had it coming"

I have to say, this was all Manny's fault.

He just didnt take things seriously enough. Look at all the people Tony had to kill to get himself out of jams that Manny put him in.

I think when Tony shows up at Mannys house...seeing him with his sister was just the last straw.

Can you blame him?


I initially thought the same thing,as a courtesy to Tony,Manny and Gina should have revealed their relationship instead of being so sneaky about it. However,Tony expressing regret at the end of movie swayed me into thinking that Tony was wrong.


What are you talking about? Manolo was Tony's best and only friend in the world. They went through everything together, from the beginning. Manolo wasn't very smart, but he was a good guy and completely loyal to Tony. In fact the guilt that Tony feels after killing Manni was the thing that broke him at the film's end. He realized that by killing Manolo, he had abandoned his last shred of humanity. That killing scene was the saddest part of this film.

Fabio Testi is GOD


What they are saying all the good Manny did was over done by the stupid mistakes he made.
The truck outside
The Columbiana
His sister
The *beep* bank


Manny's only real crime was being and staying loyal to Tony, pretty much until he decided to go for the brass ring of happiness by dating Gina. Aside from that, he got Tony a green card, set up the meet with Omar which got them out of the soup kitchen...of course the Sun Ray deal went bad, but Manny saved Tony's life (taking a bullet in the process), allowed Tony to present Frank with the briefcase while playing second fiddle, shot Frank on Tony's behalf which ultimately set them all up for life, then had to sit back and watch Tony become a coke head while relegating Manny to "junior partner".

By this point, Manny had about enough of Tony's *beep* ways, and decided to date Gina, but it was never really fully explored the Seidelbaum thing. I thought it would have made a great subplot if Manny tried to set Tony up to get put away, so he could take over the operation and have free reign to marry Gina. That would have at least somewhat justified Tony's rage against Manny...but it was just one of several missed opportunities for a complete film.

The Russians had the case made. It was made. The Russians had it made. They made the case.


Banging your best bro's sister is a major violation of the Man Code. Not just any rule, Man Rule #1: Bros Before Hos. If he'd kept to the Man Code, he'd still be alive.


Well, I suppose "banging" is a thing, but it was much more than that. Clearly it was a respectful attraction from many years back, and then they got married. I wouldn't call that "banging." Surely one's sister can marry one's friend?


What are these "jams" that Manny got him into? The only one that leaps to mind is the Seidelbaum thing that he originally masterminded, but even there it was ultimately Tony's decision and he must take as much responsibility for walking into it as Manny.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan
