Worst Star Wars movie.

.....just the worst. I don't know what Lucas was thinking. We went from a Dark Serious ESB... To a child film with silly teddy bears. Just awful.


If I was the emperor of Hollywood, I would remake this movie. Recast, rewrite the whole thing, and make a new Return of the Jedi. Then... and this is the more clever part. After we fix all this movie's BS, we can launch right into the aftermath of the Heir to the Empire timeline with our new young cast and make all the next movies the way they're supposed to be.


I’ll agree the beginning is slow and too kiddie but the last 45 minutes have some of the best scenes out of any Star Wars film, it’s certainly the weakest of the OT but it’s miles ahead of those godawful Disney films


Return of the Jedi is terrible. The Disney films surpass it by miles and miles.


This"honour " lays on Episode VIII




I will admit Ep 8 and 9 were a bit weak.


At least Episode IX has good moments


I don't know; IX basically breaks your neck with how much it tries to save/retcon the story from TFA and TLJ and then completely and utterly undermines the OT by saying the Emperor and Empire never really was defeated; then continue the trend of the "annoyingly good at everything" Rey (touched up with some really light weight 'hints' at going darkside only to not, yeah we were all 'real' shocked Rey stayed good, eye rolls) and also the Emo Darth Vader wanna be having an equally emo and Darth Vader wannabe redemption, I don't know man; everything about the ST was hard to enjoy; even if there was some individual good moments; it is a lot of shit you have to dig through to find it.


Worst of the OT, absolutely. Worst of the Star Wars Franchise, not even close. My opinion the worst is VII (TFA). That is the one that fundamentally changed and undermined the OT lore and mysticism while being a bad soft reboot/remake (but with worse pacing, character and plot structure) that was also supposed to be a direct sequel (how can something be a sequel and a remake). it was basically a copy paste job from ANH but then went a changes some of the nouns (and sucked all the soul and broke the magic system while negating the accomplishments of the and ruining the OT heroes) and shot it with pacing like they were on crack.

Then through in a blatant "annoyingly good at everything Mary Sue" and a emo darth vader wannabe; and a dash of discount Tarkin and Emperor; and remove all the world building and replace it with unsolvable (nonsensical) Mystery boxes and you basically have an abomination of a Star Wars film.

While many think Last Jedi was the worst; I look at the condition of Star Wars plots and lore after TFA and see a disjointed mangled mess of a story to try to put together. Sure Last Jedi doesn't even attempt to put the pieces back together and tries to go off and do its own nihilistic thing which is pretty bad too; but if TFA was a tight story that actually had a real direction Johnson could not have been able to do what he did with the story. He was totally free to do what he did because TFA did not world building and left no direction to go (unless they planned on just repeating ESB like they did with ANH with TFA).


I disagree with it being considered easily the worst of the Original Trilogy. I think the original trilogy movies are all great unto themselves and comparing them is like asking who you love more, your wife, your children or your parents. You love them all but in different ways.

Return of the Jedis rating on IMDB is just a tad below the other two movies so I think most people feel the same way. It also did more box office than Empire. The critics generally liked it too.


"comparing them is like asking who you love more, your wife your children your parents. You love them all but in different ways."
Best description of how I feel about the original three , I tip my hat to you.


Return of the Jedi is not 'bad' it is just not as good as the others and has some pretty weak elements. Such as the Jabba scene and the stuff with the Ewoks is pretty hard to sit through. It did not have as good of pacing as Empire; so there is alot going against it. But what it gets right more than makes up for what it gets wrong. And it is by far better than any of the sequels or prequels


Worst of the originals, sure. The middle segment dragged; C3PO being reduced to a mcguffin (come on, everyone else in the squad on Endor is in camo-gear) and of course the Ewoks.
The prequels are all worse. And the less said about the Disney trilogy, the better.


We went from a Dark Serious ESB... To a child film with silly teddy bears.

The argument that "Return of the Jedi" was ruined by little furry creatures is laughable as "Empire Strikes Back" features a little green muppet in a loong sequence that makes you expect Kermit and Miss Piggy to show up.


True.. much as I love Empire and don’t get me wrong I LOVE empire, if you wanted to sit down and take a good look at the story, Empire is filled with things that don’t make a bit of sense.

For example, why are the rebel soldiers lining up and trying to shoot down Imperial walkers with laser rifles when their big cannons and ships couldn’t even hurt them? Made no sense to be human cannon fodder.


Yeah, and don't get me wrong, I like that long sequence with Luke, Yoda and R2D2 in the swamp, but if these critics are going to denounce "Return" for cute little furry creatures in the woods then why can't we use that same logic for "Empire" where fitting?


True. Yoda is actually pretty stupid looking and sounds like Miss Piggy but at least he is not used for comedy relief except for taking Luke's light and food. The Ewoks were completely fucking stupid...


Are the Ewoks there as just comic relief? Aside from the rock hitting himself in the face. The Ewoks actually try to eat them.


They put han over a fire bit it was all for comedic affect. Han can escape a death star filled with storm trippers but the best thing he can come up with hanging over a fire is blow on it. Also they have a flipping Jedi with them and get caught in a fricking primative.snare. it was beyond stupid. Yet AOTC gets attacked for a line about sand and a floating pear...as well as 3po's antics which are completely on par with the ewoks. Again as a 12 year old in May of 1983 seeing this film I went out of the theater shaking my head. There was laughter during almost the entire movie. Yet it gets high praise from Prequel Haters....smh...


AOTC is hated for many more reasons than just the one line by Anakin.. that’s just the worst offender.

You don’t like Ewoks but obi was walking into a 50’s diner is ok?


Yoda is actually pretty stupid looking and sounds like Miss Piggy but at least he is not used for comedy relief except for taking Luke's light and food.

I don't think Yoda's stupid looking, especially for the late 70s when the film was made, although he does look like a short, green-skinned Jesse Jackson with big ears (actually Jesse grew into looking like Yoda as he aged). Nevertheless Yoda's an inventive character and he & Luke are the precursor to Mr. Miyagi & Daniel a few years later.

As for the comic relief issue, there's a lot of low-key, cartoonish amusement in that Yoda sequence, which includes R2D2's antics (not to mention C3PO's amusing shenanigan's elsewhere) and yet you describe Empire Strikes Back as "Dark Serious." I'm not saying there isn't that element, but it certainly has a bit of cartoony comic relief, e.g. a disassembled C-3PO hitching a ride on Chewbacca's back. It comes with the territory of space fantasy.


Agreed. There´s a lot of humour in ESB particularly on Dagobah. As for the original question ROTJ might be the worst of the OT but its still the 3rd best movie in the entire franchise by quite a lot imo.


I think it's one of the best. I find it weird how people like to pick apart the original trilogy though. They all flow and work together. It wouldn't make sense to do another dark toned movie after Empire. Jedi provides the day after the dark night. The catharsis and resolution.

"but I don't like THIS element!"

You're picking apart pieces of the whole. The overall movie and trilogy is great. Nagging on Ewoks or whatever misses the point of why Jedi and the original movies are so good to begin with.

There's no part of the OT I don't like but I have my favorite parts. I liken this to having a favorite song. There are certainly parts of your favorite song you like better than others, maybe it's the bridge or a certain lyric. Yet there's no part of it you dislike because it's all your favorite song.


I feel the same way you do about the Ot about the prequels. I do not think they are anywhere near the disaster OT hardcores think they are. I love the OT as a whole but really dont like Jedi all that much. It was true when I saw it in the theater when I was 12 and it's true now. I still get embarrassed for Harrison Ford and the stupid shit he had to endure during the Endor Scenes.

I didn't love TPM but enjoyed AOTC and ROTS immensely. Sure AOTC had a few issues. But it was still very good. Complaining about stupid things like a throwaway line about sand and a floating pear somehow making it a bad film is pretty stupud.... and nowhere on par with what amount to live teddy bears over coming a legion of storm troopers.

Many where so steeped in their nostalgia they were disappointed the prequels didnt evoke the same feelings. Which is impossible. there is nothing anyone can produce today that will ever invoke a future feeling of nostalgia on a middle aged person.

Funny though how so many prequel haters were so easily accepting of an obi wan series with mcgregor...😂....that's telling me they are having minimal nostalgic feelings for the prequels now. Which they better enjoy because at the average age of 50 for most original trilogy fans....its not likely to never happen again with anything.... they simply dont have enough years left to build up anymore nostalgia. 😄


I'll say, one of the best. All three from the original trilogy were quite good.
Attack of the Clones and the new Disney films are the worst.


I may be able to accept someone saying RoTS is better than Jedi but I cringe when someone says a Disney movie is better.
