Vera Miles' performance
I really like this film, and geniunely believe it is not only one of the best film sequels ever but utterly worthy of being taken seriously as a good film in its own right. But I think a lot of the films success relies on Vera Miles as Lila Loomis. Without her in this film I just can't imagine it being nearly as enjoyable, even with Anthony Perkins reprising his role, in the say way I think Janet Leigh adds so much to the orginal Psycho. Vera seems to be ignored in a lot of reviews pf Psycho II, and also these IMDB posts, but to me its her that makes this film "gel". Maybe it's the fact we get to see what became of Lila Crane, maybe it's her great performance, or her class and seriousness towards the role, or maybe it's that she adds a whole other dimension to the character,or even that its just great to see a character from the original apart from Perkins. I don't know, but I just wish she were more recognised for this film. I think she's so much better here than she was even in the original.