Krull Desktop Wallpapers
As I noted in the Computers and Software forum here on the IMDb (, I switched to Windows 7 earlier this year.
My favorite Windows 7 feature is the Desktop Background Slideshow, which I've set to automatically change my desktop wallpaper every 30 minutes.
Since then I've been on the hunt for new wallpaper. I thought I'd share two webpages that have many great Krull images.
First there is: tion/
At the top of this page is a gallery of over 40 screen captures. These images are all 2560x1440 pixels, which is the same aspect ratio as my 1920x1080 screen resolution.
Second there is:
In the middle of the page is a "PHOTOS" section with five pictures. These are smaller than the images on Sword & Circuitry, but are still wallpaper sized.