Ahem. Ehm. 'Scuse me. I have a question.
Could we all maybe help bump this movie up to a 7.0 rating? I mean this is easily worthy a 7.3 for sheer imagination, characters, immersion, dedication and good old adventurous fun! There are so many movies that are overrated these days, movies that are far inferior to the overall quality of Krull but that amass ratings of 7.8, give or take. Some diminish over time since the time they were in the movie theaters, but some do not diminish far enough.
I mean take Hunger Games for example. In what kind of world is that movie justified in having 7.3 of a rating and Krull is only a 6.0? When Hunger Games came out, I recall it having about 8.0. That's a crime against the arts. Yes, it's visually pleasing, but anyone who is an experienced book reader and movie watcher will have goosebumps and cringe at all the cliches and the overall feel of the rushed writing, less than average quality dialogue, tenth rate characters.
Yes, some people absolutely hate the movie Krull. It's one hell of an underdog. But if you add a decent amount of objectivity to the analysis of the movie and remove angry subjectivity, I'm confident that Krull is worth no less than a 7. And that's being modest, in terms of IMDB ratings.