On EPIX...

If you have this on your cable/satellite system you have a chance to see it, I'm watching it now on Epix-Drive-In but unfortunately my cable system doesn't have it in HD [4:3 p/s version] but will air later next week 5/6 3am in EpixHD [hopefully in correct aspect ratio or at least 16:9]

Luv it, its like the Heaven's Gate of SciFi/Horror movies.


I was shocked to see this running last night. Thanks for the heads up on the next airing!


Keeping fingers crossed for full HD and correct aspect ratio showing!...

hopefully a little cleaner than the one I saw in Epix-DriveIn [dirty speckles on the film, especially in any SFX scenes]

I wish Paramount, Michael Mann, Tangerine Dream and all involved could just get over their differences and get a directors cut or restored version of The Keep made, maybe even that battle that was filmed but no SFX put into it might be a nice addition for a directors cut.


Oh well... It was 4:3 and actually looked worse than the nonHD version, if I had to guess they grabbed it directly form a VHS tape, how sad.

Radu is not pleased.
