THE KEEP - Deleted Scenes List
Here are some deleted scenes plus alternate endings from one my favorite movies and one of the underated horror movies of the 80's,The Keep.
Remember,all of these scenes are only small parts of Michael Mann's original 210 minutes version. I hope that one day someone will release this longer cut.
Some written previews about film mentioned a scene where Glaeken is attacked and nearly killed during his boat trip towards Romania. The captain of the boat tries to steal Glaeken's box while he's sleeping but Glaeken kills him.
Couple of scenes are reported to appear in some old TV versions:
Eva is looking on some of the Glaekens stuff,possibly his "sword" for his fight with Molasar.
Glaeken talks with Eva and tells her that he is so old that can't remember how he looked anymore.
Theatrical trailer shows some deleted/extended scenes;
Longer conversation between Woermann and Alexandru in which Woermann says that the keep looks like it was build to keep something in.
Little longer version of the scene where Molasar is talking with professor Cuza for the first time. In this scene Cuza asks Molasar "What are you?" one more time.
Glaeken is talking with Eva asking her did she find what she was looking for and did she expect to find him. This scene is maybe part of the first additional scene from above mentioned TV version.
Glaeken is touching Eva's face while she asks "What's happening to me?" This scene could be part of the original love scene cause dialogue sounds like the one described in original book before they have sex.
Also,based on 2 seconds long part of the trailer,it looks sex scene was also cut.
Trailer also shows Glaeken walking inside of the keep with his eyes turning white. Maybe this scene is from one of the alternate endings.
One or two seconds longer version of the ending where Glaeken is standing at the entrance of the keep looking over Molasar's fog/white smoke.
Different version of the scene (different visual effects) where Glaeken is walking towards the room where Molasar is waiting for him. In this alternate scene Glaeken's sword is covered with some glowing grey light.
I think that theatrical trailer was made from some earlier workprint of the movie.
Another,shorter trailer shows one shot of alternate ending where Glaeken is floating inside the keep,and also shows extra dialogue during Eva's confrontation with Glaeaken before he is taken away by nazis. In this extra part he says to Eva "I am the watchmen. I have come to destroy him."
Some fans have mentioned longer VHS version of The Keep which had one or more additional scenes with professor Cuza talking with Molasar,and also extended dialogue in final confrontation scene. Molasar asks Glaeken to stop their fight and points towards Eva,asking Glaeken "You care for her?" He also tells Glaeken that he can feel Eva's essence on him. Part of this scene is still present in official version,it's where you see Molasar and Glaeken in same shot for the first time. If you pay attention towards Molasar,he lowers his left arm,as if he had just pointed at someone. This VHS version is also reported to include extended TV version ending where Glaeken falls inside the keep,Eva finds him and he realizes that he became human. But also,this version apparently had full ending with Glaeken,Eva and her father on the ship heading for unknown destination (possibly Glaekens's home?).
Some photos,lobby cards and stills show some deleted scenes;
One photo shows father Mihail having dinner with the caretaker and inn keeper Alexandru in the inn after the Germans have settled into the keep. They discuss their hope that something bad will happen to the Germans and the priest warns that "when night falls, it falls on us all."
In the script several more soldiers were attacked by Molasar immediately after he's released. They're described as being thrown through the air and engulfed by blackness. One photo shows Woermann running from the light of the silver cross.
One photo shows Eva and Glaeken sitting on bed and talking and one other shows both of them on some hill. Part of this scene is still in the movie. Originally Glaeken and Eva spend more time getting to know each other at the inn. There was a scene where she wakes up to find him gone and tries to open the case. He walks in on her and confronts her about it. This scene is reported to be added for old TV versions of the movie.
One photo shows father Mihail drinking the blood of his dead dog (who was probaly killed by him) from some kind of glass or cup inside the church while his eyes are bloody red.
After Eva walks in on the priest drinking the blood of his dog, she wanders through the village where she comes across Alexandru the caretaker being murdered by his sons. One photo shows the actor that played Alexandru while fake axe in his back. Eva runs to the inn keeper for help,but he threatens to throw her out because she hasn't paid. The whole village is becoming cruel and evil, affected by the keep.
One photo shows Molasar standing in front of the keep's entrance,but there is no such scene in the movie.
One photo shows Eva sitting next to her father after he is "hit" by Molosar's power and returned into his diseased state. From what it looks on photo,Eva is begging Molasar not to hurt them. If you look at this part in movie,you can see that there is fast cut (listen to the soundtrack) from where Molasar is looking at Eva and her holding her father.
There are several other scenes that look like they were cut;
Concetration camp scene - Pay attention on last moments of the scene. Professor Cuza is looking right one second,and next he is looking left. Maybe he had some dialogue in the scene but it was cut.
First conversation scene between Woermann and Kaempffer inside the keep - After Kaempffer rises up from chair,it sound like dialogue between two of them was cut short,just a second before soldier enters the room and informs them about finding remains of soldier Steiner,latest victim.
Alternate endings
1. Theatrical ending
Glaeken enters the keep,picks up the talisman and places it in his "sword",and kills Moloasar. After Molasar dissapears,Glaeken is also pulled into the keep while Eva is screaming "No!"
TV versions had extended ending where Glaeken is flying around darkness for some time while villagers take Eva's father inside one house. Eva then goes inside the keep,searches for Glaeken and finds him dead. After she touches him,he revives and his eyes are no longer in strange color,and he crawls towards the stream where he sees his reflection,meaning that he became human. Eva hugs him and movie ends. Some promotional photos like lobby cards and stills show this last scene.
This extended ending can be seen here;
However,there are two photos showing even longer ending where Glaeken,Eva and her father are on boat,probaly going towards Greece.
Apart from finale with boat travel,this ending is pretty much the same as the one in original book.
2. Duel ending
Parts of this ending were filmed,but because of the death of Wally Veevers,the special effects man for the movie,it was never finished.
Glaeken and Molasar are fighting on the roof of the keep.
Several photos show Glaeken holding Molasar by the throat.
Then some blue light appears between them and roof crashes,with both of them falling inside the keep.
What follows is similar scene like the one in extended TV version ending where Glaeken is flying around. But in "Duel" ending Glaeken and Molasar are falling together.
Afterwards,it is not known what's happened next cause this ending was never released,but i'm sure that final part is same or at least similar to the one in extended TV ending where Eva finds Glaeken and he awakens.
Interesting,there is one report about different,10 minutes long ending from some TV version that has no dialogue or explanation about what is happening and why. In this ending Glaeken and Molasar are falling through some strange,otherworldy abyss while shooting their "lasers" at one another untill eventually Glaeken survives barely the fight. Maybe somebody decided to include unfinished and unedited "Duel" ending for some TV cuts.
3. Glaeken carries Molasar into the keep.
This ending is rumored by some fans to appear in another TV version.
All it's been said about this ending is that it shows Glaeken carrying dead Molasar into the keep.