Razzie for cinemotography??
Just got through watching this mess on AMC. I can understand why many people have this one on their WORST of all time lists. This is a terrible movie, but it's not so much about the acting. I felt that the acting was okay, but there were some very bad supporting roles that were just silly.
The biggest problem for me was the cinematography. the entire underwater scenes were just too dark to see. I know that it was filmed on location, but they should have had some way to light it up some. It wouldn't have made the plot or the special effects any better, but it would have been easier to laugh at it louder!!
The worst part though?? Toward the end where the most fake effect in motion picture history where the shark breaks into the control room. The approach of this PHONY shark is really amazingly bad!! And the entrails and teeth flying across the screen??? I know it had to be better in 3D, but it was bad!!!