What are you watching this season to burgeon the spooky atmosfear? Want to recommend something? Post it right here baby.
This seems like a good board to do this on seeing as Season of the Witch is one of the quintessential Halloweeny movies of all time. But also, I'm personally interested in hearing particularly about movies that are *kind of like H3* in some way: For me this movie is a weird sort of half-dream of a movie from the lost back alleys of horror. It feels always just sort of out of reach. Nostalgic Halloweentime suburban reverberations. Autumnal chill. Unconventional imagery. Highly thick atmosfear. Not necessarily terrifying. Kind of beyond being identifiable as 'good' or 'bad' as a movie. Especially interested in pre-mid-90s, and not really the ones everyone knows about. Post anything though! Doot doot mfers.