MovieChat Forums > Fire and Ice (1983) Discussion > Some Amazing Voice Work

Some Amazing Voice Work

besides loving this film for the always-fascinating rotoscoping, i always enjoy the superb voice work. specifically the narrator/juliana (like a character from a grimm bros tale), nekron (perfect as a physically frail and nerdy sort who at the same time wields great power and has an enormous ego), and the mystery axeman (great strength and inner confidence but very world-weary).

in short, this was the kind of voice-work that actually fits the subject-matter, sort of the polar opposite of the way disney (and most others) will create an animated period film and then fill it with the same old collection of contemporary-sounding voices, most of them hopeless wiseasses.


I agree. This had some amazing voice work.

And I also agree about what disney does with there voice actors.


Yeah, this film had some great voice acting in it, especially Steve Sandor as Darkwolf.

I've nothing against "celebrity" voice actors, as long as they work themselves hard to do it right. Most of them I guess look at those Disney voice roles and say to themselves "Eh why not? Sounds like fun." It's a shame things don't always work out for them.


I wish they made animation like this still!

This is one of the greatest American Anime films ever made. If you have not seen it and you are into this sort of thing you will LOVE this movie. It's gloriously 80's and hearkens us back to a bygone era where the good times could never end. It is a classic tale of good and evil, right and wrong. I do NOT recommend it for children, but a teenager maybe, depending on the maturity level.

This movie is AWESOME! Disney is NOT the only American Anime.
I recommend this movie highly, and I also recommend that you go and see Heavy Metal the Movie ( from the 80's as well). That would be a nice Double Feature right there.

I am going to go watch this again right now.


All of Bakshi's stuff has great voice work.


/Agree with jake_anthony_watt.

All of Bakshi's pictures have top-notch voice performers, that's just one reason why he's "The Man".

Something I've always loved and respected Bakshi for, is his willingness to cast an actor who's voice fits the character, instead of just casting a "name" actor to sell tickets. He's always been about the work, the art, the story, rather than making money. I own all his films, each one a classic in it's own right.

Fire and Ice has some particularly great voice-work, most notably, well... nearly everyone.

For instance:

Susan Tyrrell: provided the voice of the film's narrator, as well as Nekron's mother, the "Wolf-bitch, Juliana". In 1977 she also narrated Bakshi's other masterpiece "Wizards", and provided other voices as well. As far as I know, until recently she was still active in film and television, including voice-work.

Stephen Mendel: the voice of Nekron. Nekron is still one of my all-time favorite villains, thanks in large part to Stephen Mendel's extremely convincing voice-work. Every word he speaks drips of disdain for all the "lesser creatures" that surround him, including his mother. How can you not love his evil-overlord laughter at the end? How I love to loathe the character of Nekron.

Steve Sandor: the voice of Darkwolf. Darkwolf, the perfect Anti-Hero, the Ultimate-Badass. Steve Sandor's voice-work in this film was as taut and full of power as Darkwolf's superior six-pack. Listen to his dialogue with Larn after Larn awakes to find himself tied spread-eagle on the ground and thinks himself a prisoner of Darkwolf. Every word that Darkwolf speaks in association with Nekron or Juliana is a barely contained growl, and one that promises to rectify those mistakes of the past.

Various Sub-Humans: Can we please show some love for the amazing voice-cast of the Subhumans, which includes the wonderful Otwa? Some truly excellent work done by those cats, which include Frank Frazetta's daughter.

Elizabeth Lloyd Shaw: the voice of Roleil. Roleil, Otwa, and Teegra in the hut is one of my favoite scenes of the movie. In my mind, one of the most haunting and chillingly-animated scenes ever created begins the moment Teegra awakens in the hut and ends when Roleil's shade disintegrates after speaking with Larn. The voice-work for this character is sickeningly sweet, and I mean that as a compliment. The listener immediately knows to be wary of her honeyed-words, although Teegra is a bit too naive to "get it" and is soon under Roleil's spell.

There are others, to be sure, but I'm short on time and I'm inspired to go watch Fire and Ice. So, here ends my post. Go watch Fire and Ice, right now, and enjoy it again, or for the first time.


fun post, and you are totally right about the subhuman voice work (you know what i mean ;) )... it was also outstanding and inspired.

what a pity, thinks i, that more of the lessons learned from this and similar work couldn't be incorporated into the animateds of today.

no... disney and japan made sure decisively, and more than decisively, that that wouldn't happen.


Yes, the voice work was spot-on. Special kudos to Steve Sandor as Darkwolf and specially Susan Tyrell as Juliana.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!
