I love how people are comparing Greg Stillson from this movie to Trump. Um, excuse me, but Trump wasn't the one taking bribes from terror sponsoring countries like Hillary was, you know, the kind of countries that hate and kill Jews and regularly hang people for being gay or kill women for being raped. And Trump wasn't the guy who has been reinforcing Islamic terrorism for the past 8 years like Obama has been doing by cleaning out Gitmo, plus Trump wasn't the guy who shoved Obamacare down everyones throat threatening you if you don't buy it with fines. I really do not get the comparisons Trump gets to Hitler when all he wants to do is bring jobs to the USA, enforce border laws and stop terror attacks in the USA. How the F is that racist or like Hitler? Do you morons forget all the terror attacks that have happened under Obama? The Boston Marathon bombing, Orlando night club, San Bernardino, on and on.. Plus how the F is he like Hitler when his daughter is Jewish, his son in law is Jewish and his grandkids are Jewish? You morons are watching CNN too much.


It just goes to show you that many people need to research their candidates before jumping on them because of the party line. I agree with you about Donald Trump and sometimes, I think about what today 'might' have been in Hillary were elected.


Wow. Talk about a thread aging like shit.
