the non sequel

kind of torn on this this thought

the movie was excellent in its time and for its subject matter. citizen kane its not, lets leave it at that

in todays realm trying to milk every last cent from anything in this age of sequels for the sake of a name attach that will sell, i do feel a bit cheated that there was not some kind of sequel to class

the core elements that made the film work for me were there for the picking.

enjoyable characters, rob and anthony seemed to have real chemistry, and they just handed the premise on a silver platter in the storyline when they both got accepted to Harvard as freshmen next year

oh well

if it wasn't for my horse, i wouldn't have spent that year in college


The problem is if they had done a sequel when they go to Harvard would it have had the same cast though or different actors playing the roles of Rob and Anthony including the parents is the question?

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


This was a missed opportunity. The sequel could have had Rob Lowe's character hook up with McCarthy's characters mom


I'm not sure what you could really do with a sequel. Skip and Johnathan meet up to have dinner with Ellen playing host because Johnathan and her are now an official couple?
