MovieChat Forums > Amityville 3-D (1983) Discussion > Field sequential 'Amityville 3D'!!!

Field sequential 'Amityville 3D'!!!

I recently got a field sequential DVD of 'Amityville 3-D' and it looks pretty cool. The guy i got it from used the UK anaglyph version (with the 2D version) to make a color f/s DVD. This is not the black & white Aussie f/s version that i've heard looks horrible.
While it's not perfect (there is still some ghosting) it works A LOT better than the red/blue version. You can actually see and appreciate the depth of the film. If you've struggled (like i have) to get the anaglyph version to work then this is a BIG improvement.
Keep an eye out for it on ebay. True 3-D fans won't be disappointed.


I have the original Anaglyph version and it looks great on my computer,actually most anaglyph looks alot better on a computer


I monitors hold true color better than televisions (at least the CRT ones--I have no experience with the newer types, LCD, HDTV, plasma, etc).

BUT, nothing beats field-sequential 3D for home viewing!

reply has this movie on DVD, with both anaglyph and field-sequential 3D formats on one disc. There are many more 3D movies available there that you can't find anywhere else.

reply has the best version--the colors are much more accurate.


yeah, I think the guy selling the dvds with both field seq and anaglyph versions on one disc got his movies from 3D-geek. Still, the quality is already average at best without compressing two movies onto one disc, so I'd stick to 3D-Geek.
The other guy has even taken 2D public domain movies and created fake 3D bootlegs. I can see doing that for your own viewing, but to sell them to people is just a scam.
