terribly edited

I'd just like to point out that they cut away from a scare scene to show a man parking a car, for an extended period. Then the woman described how awful her experience was, which we missed because we just saw a man park. I can name other examples, but this one astounded me.

Also, a father was more considered with following his ex wife around than a dead daughter lying on a dock.

Also, that the entire movie made no sense from beginning to end, and it's possibly the worst use of 3D in 2D I've seen. People wanted to see a frisbie? Not a flying eyeball or something? Jason 3D had a yo yo sure, it also had a harpoon.


I think that first edit you mentioned should get some sort of credit for inanity - good catch. I am watching this for the first time now and, of course, had to see if this was a TV movie or something. It's entertaining for all the wrong reasons.


Yeah, the editing was a mess.
