disturbing part

Most people had nothing but bad things to say about this movie. But in my opinion, it contains one of the most genuinely creepy and disturbing scenes I've ever seen on a horror film. I'm talking about the part where Lori Loughlin's character drowns, unbeknownst to her mother, while swimming. As her friends are trying to resuscitate her, her "spirit" walks quietly into the house. As she ascends the staircase to her third floor bedroom, her mother follows her, the girl's back turned the entire time. Her mother calls out to her but she doesn't answer. When she gets to her room, she closes the door. Her mother opens it, but her daughter has dissapeared. Just then, her mother finds out that her daughter is dead. Made my spine tingle.


To me that was the best part about this movie and it was also awesome that the Ouija board they made in her room told them that she was in danger. I wrote about it in my review of the movie. I remember seeing this at the theater in 3D and didn't think it was that bad of a movie. True I was like 8 or 9 years old, but there are some creepy parts in this one. I remember distinctly the part where "John" goes upstairs and the arm of the real estate agent moving into frame and that making me jump. It was creepy how he was reaching out at you and dying; Other memorable parts were when the pole went through the windshield, "Melanie's" death, the moving walls of the bathroom, creepy sounds upstairs of anybody entering the house alone. I really think this film needs a 3D release on Blue-Ray, and not the anaglyph type(Red & Blue Lenses,) the good kind with the polarized lenses.


Agreed. The movie had much potential at that part. Very creepy indeed.


Ah yes, that part was really creepy, in an otherwise pretty dull movie. Definitely the creepiest scene in the movie, very simple but very effective.


My favorite scene in this movie! That scene has always creeped me out... It's actually the one scene I always talk about whenever anyone mentions Amityville 3D. Every single time I explain it to someone I get chills. Just the thought of her walking through that creepy empty house thinking she's talking to her daughter, while her daughter is actually outside laying on the ground dead...


This thread could've used a spoiler alert. I'm watching this for the first time right now and that scene didn't happen yet.


While I do wish more people around here were more careful with spoilers, I fail to comprehend how anyone could see a thread on a film's message board with a subject like "disturbing part" and think it could contain anything other than a spoiler.

I have learned the hard way to be very careful coming to film boards before seeing the film.

Required reading: http://www.imdb.com/board/bd0000024/nest/158601447


Exactly, or how about not coming to the boards at all until you've seen the movie? Crazy concept, I know.

I'm happiest...in the saddle.


This thread could've used a spoiler alert. I'm watching this for the first time right now and that scene didn't happen yet.

for future references, why don't you watch the fcucking movie first then discuss it on the internet or wherever after? fcuckin hell man, can't stand people who want to discuss the movie and watch at the same time and get all annoyed when they've been "spoiled"


Yup, that is a very creepy scene alright. If such a thing happened to me, I would need resuscitating too!

Halloween is coming, dare ye listen?


Yes, that was the best part of the movie for me.

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!
