MovieChat Forums > The Winds of War (1983) Discussion > Evacuee Children of the UK in WWII

Evacuee Children of the UK in WWII

I am doing a project on the children who were evacuated from large cities in England and removed to the British countryside during WWII to escape German air raids. Are there any clips from this miniseries that deal with the evacuees? Does anyone know of a documentary, movie, or miniseries that deals with the evacuee children? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!



There definitely is a movie which concerns itself with this topic but I am sorry I cant remember the name of it. I will try to remember/locate what it was and get back here to tell you what it is. You can also email me at [email protected]


Check out "Good Night Mister Tom" with the late great John Thaw. As I remember it deals with evacuee children.



Believe it or not, a good depiction of this can be seen in the opening scenes of "The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe--The Chronicles of Narnia".


'Carrie's War' is a very good tale about two evacuees. There have been a couple of TV adaptations of Nina Bawden's book, the most recent about four years ago I think. In 'Hope and Glory' there is an episode in which the mother prepares to have the children evacuated but changes her mind at the station - much to the kids' embarrassment. It conveys nicely the emotions of parents faced with the decision of what to do for the best.


War and Remembrance discusses this towards the end of the series. If you haven't seen it, see it. It's the only movie that makes me cry at the end.


I just came across this thread, so this may be way too late,but I just recently watched Molly:An American Girl On The Home Front,and a British is evacuated to America and ends up staying with Molly and her family.Wonder how many children were evacuated out of the country?
