What actors/actresses would you choose for a remake?
1. Victor "Pug" Henry: He must be played by an iconic actor....possibly Harrison Ford?
2. Rhoda Henry: Kirstie Alley
2. Byron Henry a.k.a. Brynie: Matt Damon? Possibly....
3. Aaaron Jastro: Anthony Hopkins
3. Natalie Jastro....Courtney Cox maybe?
4. F.D.R.: John Voyt (I liked his portrayal in "Pearl Harbor"), or possibly John Lithgow.
5. Stalin: Robert Duvall (I think he actually played him once)
6. Avram Robinowitz: Andy Garcia
7. Warren Henry: Ben Aflek
8. Janice Henry: Kate Hudson, Drew Barrymore
9. Palmer "Fred" Kirby: Leslie Nielsen
10. Hermann Goring: John Goodman
To Be continued....