MovieChat Forums > V (1983) Discussion > What happened in the end?

What happened in the end?

I couldn't have watched the ending, what happened in the end? Did they leave the earth? and what happened to infamous Diana?


i have this movie memorized since it first came out in 1983. well basically diana retreats until the second miniseries comes out which is before the series. at the end of this one juliet and elias talk about the code thing they are sending out to people all around the world in hopes they will get help in the fight against the aliens.



Watch the Final Battle man, you're just getting started.


i was talking about the end of the first one i seen both miniseries and the tv show.



In Final Battle, the freedom fighters use the red dust to create a life cloud around the Earth, making the planet poisonous for the visitors. The ships leave except for Diana's, who tries to blow up the planet, but Elizabeth is able to shut off the bomb with powers she has. Diana escapes in a shuttle while this is going on, setting up the expression, "I'm defeated, but I'll be back." Then the ship goes back to the victorious Earth.


I haven't seen the series since 1992, did they ever explain how the Visitors gained immunity to the Red Dust when they returned?


I don't remember either; but if the resistance could develop an antidote in a matter of days or weeks, you'd think the alien scientists could too.

I think we're the green thingy.


It was determined that the red dust would eventually cause health problems and death for humans as well, so they had to stop creating it. This was in the TV series and not in either of the miniseries.

The original miniseries ended, as somebody else as pinted out, with Julie and Elias talking about hoping to have soembody hear their distress call. Elias paints a V. The End.

Since I was only 11 and didn't know if there'd be a sequel, I was unimpressed and mad at the ending.


IIRC, it was found that the red dust, like most viruses (apparently) became dormant in the cold weather. This allowed for the Visitors to re-occurpy the areas that had more drastic seasonal changes and the humans to retain control of the areas that were pretty much warm year round. This alos allowed for the TV show to say a lot of location dollars by setting up LA as a kind of demilitarized zone.


TJ, you have it backwards. The red dust became dormant in cold weather, which is why the Northern and colder climates (like Canada---YAY!), basically any country that has an actual winter, were still poisonous for the Visitors, and only the tropical or always-warm areas (southern US, South America, the tropics etc.) were still viable spawning grounds for the Visitors. (I am duping the movie and series for a friend, and remember that Diana very quickly explained this in the first episode of the TV series.)
The cliffhanger at the end of the TV series bit the big one, but as most series that are cancelled don't have a chance to resolve the issues, we will always wonder what happened to the ship, the Visitors, Elizabeth, etc etc etc. I highly doubt the proposed TV series (if it does happen) will satisfactorily explain that.
I realize you wrote this 8 months ago, and probably will not check this response for a while, but there you have it.


You are absolutely correct, sir. I stand corrected. Cold weather bad for visitors, warm weather good.


My apologies TJ. I never checked this thread but I humbly welcome your acknowledgement. Yes, Canada good, USA bad....whoops, did I say that? :)
BTW, those of us who saw the 1983 series did not recognize the 2009-10 one, so nothing, IMNSHO was explained. This is a completely different story and one where I see no happy ending. (Nor do I see it lasting the season; Flashfoward should have survived and V should have ended with a movie. Sighhhh...what fools these executives be...


Yeah, the original had Julie and Elias sending a distress signal, which was not talked about in Final Battle. I think they left it open because they knew there would be a sequel, although it didn't turn out completely the way Kenneth Johnson wanted it.


I thought the distress signal was to space to find the visitor's enemy that they had heard about.


I heard ( you know how that goes) that at one point, a modern update would have to do with the enemies of the Visitors showing up to Earth because of the signal. Only they were evil, too.

It's not the size of the joke. It's the "Punch" of the line


Diana, unfortunatly, lived. Watch it on YouTube. Someone has the mini series and the Final Battle uploaded. They did leave Earth, but I'm not telling you anymore, cause a hell of a lot happens!

"All my friends are dead
All my friends are dead"


didn't the young girl who was a mix of human and alien save the day with special glowing powers and then say something like, "Pret-a-nama", which supposedly means, "peace"? It was a long time ago.


Yeah, Diana started the "Doomsday" thing which had two keys. She killed John, and like I said started it. Right before everything would have been done for, Elizabeth, the little girl, holds onto both the keys, one in each hand. And it was like, she took all of the doomsday device's power, or whatnot, and it made her glow, and she saved the world. At the end, she say "Prettynama" which, as you know, meant peace.

"All my friends are dead
All my friends are dead"



cheez, was the little girl the one out of poltergeist?


Nope, the girl who played on Poltergeist is you know, Heather O'Rourk, the girl who plays Elizabeth Maxwell was a little girl named Jenny Beck. They do look similar, but not the same

"All my friends are dead
All my friends are dead"


Seeing as Johnson's sequel will probably never happen, I think it's his novel that isn't considered canon.

I like the both mini-series, but not so much the tv series. I'm interested in knowing what parts of The Final Battle Johnson didn't like so much that he walked away from the project.


I would assume he didn't like it because it lost a lot of the Political stuff from the original and made it more about shoot em up gun battles.

"You think im redarded?" - PurfectGroupie0780 Tue Mar 17 2009 16:51:15


It was mainly down to network interference. They wanted to keep V The Final Battle cheaper than how the original mini series ended up (it went way over budget in the effects department). They also didn't really know what to do with it, Kenny Johnson wanted to do a series of TV movies but that idea was thrown out. The network was making him take the sequel in a direction that he didn't want to go in so he left the project rather than create a final product that wouldn't be of equal quality of the original.
