My V rant.............
I'm watching the Old V miniseries and the new V in bits..... Something I'm wondering. It's probably a budget thing but this thought occurred to me.
Sure warplanes can't fly near the motherships. Each series has established that but what about conventional rockets with no guidance systems onboard to jam or corrupt? And in both shows there are no shields on the ships and they are LARGE......... parachute bombs onto the hull and detonate........ Why not? Or they could have parachuted troops onto the top of ships with bombs, guns and ammo......
And where is the Army and the government did they all get pacified in both series?
In the new series we don't really know how much power the visitors have.... But in the old series it was clear the cops were pretty much up for sale and took orders from the aliens. Governments also took one up the rear and didn't object much to losing their power......
It did bug me still in the old series how did they convert the head of the UN in less then a few minutes at the start of V.... After that there was little to no resistance. Even the President bent over easy.........