MovieChat Forums > V (1983) Discussion > anyone tape this off NBC?

anyone tape this off NBC?

NBC aired the original "V" mini-series at least twice, once in 1983 for the premiere, and once again in 1984 before the second mini-series was also re-aired, leading up to the premier of the weekly series.

I'd love to watch the 1983 or 1984 airings of this, complete with those old vintage tv ads. And, I'm sure many others out there would love to take that nostalgic journey back in time, as well.

So, anybody out there still have tapes of the original 1983 or 1984 airings? If so, it would be great if they would post some of this stuff on youtube, or transfer it to files that could be downloaded from a torrent site or something along these lines.


The entire series is actually already available to watch on youtube. Or at least it was at one time. Search V the Final Battle and just check that the first one you watch is for the original miniseries.

"They have to stay. Or else we haven't learned a thing." - Abraham Bernstein


Well actually, I do already own the official DVD release from Warner Bros. So I'd only want to watch the Original Mini-Series on YouTube if it was converted from tapes of the original NBC broadcasts, including opening intro's, bumbers, and commercial breaks. That's really what I was trying to get across, is that I'd like to see the original broadcasts again, with all the commcercials and bumpers still intact.


Ahh has all the intros etc but not the commercials so guess that won't help you at all..sorry

"They have to stay. Or else we haven't learned a thing." - Abraham Bernstein


Hmmm...gerbilsrcute, I've found some of the intro's by themselves on YouTube, but never have I found an entire upload (even in multiple segments) on there of the original mini-series that wasn't sourced from the DVD...I'm looking for the actual NBC broadcasts. If one of these 1983 broadcasts is indeed hosted on YouTube complete with intro's and bumpers, even without commercials, then I have yet to stumble across it. And I've searched "V - The Final Battle" and "V Original Mini Series" many, many times...As well as "V Visitors". Both with and without quotation marks. You sure someone uploaded entire NBC broadcasts of (either) mini-series, that are NOT sourced from the commercial DVDs? I've never run across them. Just the intro's and bumpers by themselves. Never an entire broadcast (even with the commercials edited out).


Hmmm....I don't know I've never actually watched it as I have both the vhs tapes and the dvds, but maybe you are right and it was just the upload from the dvds.
I'll look around and search through my one time I knew of a tape lending/swapping site that may benefit you if I still have it saved somewhere.

"They have to stay. Or else we haven't learned a thing." - Abraham Bernstein


Yes, gerbilsrcute, I would be very, very, interested in that tape lending/swapping site. See if you do still have it saved somewhere, I'd love to check it out.


So far it seems I can't find the one I used but someone at work swears by
Maybe they can help? In the meantime I will keep searching for the one I used.

"They have to stay. Or else we haven't learned a thing." - Abraham Bernstein


It was like the second thing I ever taped. I think I still have the videos for both miniseries though the tapes are pushing almost 30 and are frail. Youtube already got pissy with me over stuff I don't own the copyright to. I'm pretty sure it has commercials, intros and all because I was around 11 or 12 when it came on and I couldn't stay up to 11. I remember seeing the Final Battle Part 2 the next day to see Robin have her babies and nearly lost my breakfast. Literally because I almost dropped it on the floor. There just aren't those kind of shocks anymore on TV.


animefangirl2000, let me know if we can work out a deal for those tapes. I'd absolutely love to get ahold of those and make back-up discs to preserve a part of history.


Yeah I still have my TV tapes, but we cut out the commercials. We had a clicker (rather than a remote) hooked up to the VCR where you flip between record and pause while recording. Real cutting edge 80s technology.
I did that with "Superman I & 2" which turned out to be a good thing because those movies actually have scenes that are tough to find.

- or so the Germans would have us believe...


EmilMuzz, those tapes of yours are still very valuable to 'V'enthusiasts, even without the commercials, as long as you kept the mini-series intros at the start of each of the two movies, as well as the "V" logo bumpers inbetween the commercials, and the teaser at the end of episode #1 showing scenes from episode #2...


Yes I can honestly say I still have the Original V on original VHS.... how original ? On the third episode, when Donovan was driving through the deserted town before his found Josh, at the very bottom scrolling, was describing how The Milwaukee Bucks-Boston Celtics playoff game was being shown on a tape delay...... That's also how popular V was, it took top showing on NBC rather than the NBA playoff game!!!!


Is there any possibility that I can get a copy of that tape.

