MovieChat Forums > V (1983) Discussion > Real life/Non Fiction Reptilians Disguis...

Real life/Non Fiction Reptilians Disguised as Humans (David Icke Theory)

"In 1999, Icke wrote and published The Biggest Secret: The Book that Will Change the World, in which he identified the extraterrestrial Prison Warders as reptilians from the constellation Draco.[25]They walk erect and appear to be human, living not only on the planets they come from, but also in caverns and tunnels under the earth. They have cross-bred with humans, which has created "hybrids" who are "possessed" by the full-blooded reptilians.[26] The reptiles' hybrid reptilian-human DNA allows them to change from reptilian to human form if they consume human blood. Icke has drawn parallels with the 1980s science-fiction series V, in which the earth is taken over by reptiloid aliens disguised as humans.
According to Icke, the reptilian group includes many prominent people and practically every world leader from Britain's late Queen Mother to George H.W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Harold Wilson, and Tony Blair. These people are either themselves reptilian, or work for the reptiles as what Icke calls slave-like victims of multiple personality disorder: "The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the British royal family, and the ruling political and economic families of the U.S. and the rest of the world come from these SAME bloodlines. It is not because of snobbery, it is to hold as best they can a genetic structure — the reptilian-mammalian DNA combination which allows them to 'shape-shift'."[4]
In Tales From The Time Loop and other works, Icke states that most organised religions, especially Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are Illuminati creations designed to divide and conquer the human race through endless conflicts. In a similar vein, Icke believes racial and ethnic divisions are an illusion promoted by the reptilians, and that racism fuels the Illuminati agenda." (Earlier Wikipedia page)


Wow you must smoke some really good drugs.


Psychedelic drugs may help you to realize what the truth is. You don't have to smoke them, though smokable natural psychedelic drugs like marijuana might help to open up your third spiritual eye known as the pineal gland depending on who you are as a person and your life circumstances. This might help you into increased awareness depending on how you use it.


I'd "out" the boss at the last place I worked! He was creepy, with a lizardy stare and seemingly no emotions, truly freaky. His poor wife had a number of nervous breakdowns, and, from encounters in the bathroom when she would stop by to pick him up at work, I know she was battling with potty training of children that were far too old to have that problem. So, I vote him for being most likely to be one of those reptilians passing as a human being.

I saw a special about Icke. A man was doing a documentary on him and admitted that it was very strange that, wherever they went, they tried to drive him out of town and didn't want him to lecture. He said that it puzzled him because he figured it would be better to let the man talk if they thought he was so crazy. He said that he didn't understand their hostility. Did they think he was going to find believers?

Wasn't that the premise when they revamped "V": that they already had infiltrated? I'm not sure because I got through only 1 1/2 episodes before getting disgusted with the "reboot". was j.J. Abrams involved? He sure made a mess of "Star Trek"! Ptooie on him!

*** The trouble with reality is there is no background music. ***



mastema88, marijuana is absolutely a psychedelic.


Conspiracy theorists love mining science-fiction for their lies.

I want to live in a world of magic and miracles, not emptiness and entropy.


Hollywood insiders love to depict real secret realities but pass it off as a creative fiction because they're guaranteed financial backing from the secret societies whose intention is to steer people away from realizing the truth behind the depiction.


Hollywood insiders love to depict real secret realities but pass it off as a creative fiction because they're guaranteed financial backing from the secret societies whose intention is to steer people away from realizing the truth behind the depiction.

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. I'm sure in time it'll warp reality to match your delusions. 

If this is a consular ship, where is the ambassador?


Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. I'm sure in time it'll warp reality to match your delusions.

The same could be said to you.


But in my case, it wouldn't apply.

If this is a consular ship, where is the ambassador?


But in my case, it wouldn't apply

So you believe.


why didnt the aliens conquer us then? If they are reptiles why hasnt anything been exposed about them?


Perhaps the strength of their control over us lies in the concealment of their true identity. If masses of people started to realize who and what "they" really are then they would lose their power because all of the credibility and trust people place in them would be gone. There have been several sources identifying a reptilian conspiratorial hierarchy. So, yes they've been exposed in a sense. Sadly, thus far, they've successfully been able to convince people that these ideas are just science fiction or mental illness or what have you.


Perhaps the strength of their control over us lies in the concealment of their true identity. If masses of people started to realize who and what "they" really are then they would lose their power because all of the credibility and trust people place in them would be gone. There have been several sources identifying a reptilian conspiratorial hierarchy. So, yes they've been exposed in a sense. Sadly, thus far, they've successfully been able to convince people that these ideas are just science fiction or mental illness or what have you.

well if they came out now how would people react?

perhaps the goverment thinks we are not ready for that.

maybe just maybe they are telling us in bits and pieces.

Had a nightmare about a small alien I dont know why though I guess deep down it freaks me out since its so sci fi

some say the web is alien inspired


that guy ikke is talking about the show " THE EVENT" which came out about that time.. aliens that look like people.. so haha
