In reality

We all know the Goverment of the world would never bow down THAT easily to these visitors, especialy if they look humans. I think in a real life scenario they would have to go with the fear strategy showing there real faces.

Big countries of this world would try to cheat and deceive there way to there technologies, There is no chance in hell we would simply let them put there martial law in place and giving them control on our communications lol.

Anyway just speculating fo the sake of speculation lol :)


You're kidding, right?

Look at the mighty USA bowing down to Israel. Only last week some were criticising Israel for planning new houses, then AIPAC threatened Obama.

Now Obama is sucking up to Israel and almost apologising to them for what his staff said.

And, like the visitors, the Israelis almost look human, too.


What do you mean by that we had George W Bush and Dick Cheney and no one did anything about them, in fact they voted almost 100% in favor of them. ...And they almost looked human.


Yeah... Even Bush was scared of Israel


The governments of the world would bow down because the V have superior weapons and have been aiding countries that support them.

It appeared in the old series that in exchange for "Harvesting" a portion of the population, they were willing to give the elites a cancer treatment. I could very easily see many people in the Canadian and American governments sacrificing their own people for their personal gain.


'I could very easily see many people in the Canadian and American governments sacrificing their own people for their personal gain.'

What, and other countries besides American and Canada wouldn't do that??? ANY country would do it.


You mean any country's LEADERS,
Not just any country's ordinary people.

I would think of myself as a caring person and not a nutcase.

I would not sacrifice a million humans just to stop myself dying from cancer.

Anyone who would is extremely primitive and clearly does not deserve to be in contact with extraterrestrials.


The world leaders never gave up control. They were overthrowned. John was obviously lying when he said that the governments gave over the media to them, that they suggested the state of marshal law, or that the governments had requested protection inside the Visitor ships. Instead they were likely kidnaped, and the militaries were locked down in house arrest. The Visitors were clever; instead of an open attack they nestled their way into our socities, allowing them to move freely throughout our cities planning the supression of humanity. By the time Mike Donovan's actions forced the Visitors' hand, the means nesseccary to achieve the take-over had likely already been in place for some time.


well being from canada i have to mention something.....

my country could be taken over by a class of 4yr olds cuz you know, our military is made up of a jeep, a parachute dude and a dingy. so yeah we wouldnt really have any choice but to co-operate.



Here's another thing. There is no way that an alien faction with a dictatorial leader would be able to come to Earth because they wouldn't have had the technology.


Another direction, it's not reality. It's a TV show. Thus why everything happened as it did.


In the original series they invited the UN Secretary General and later the President of the US onto their ships for a tour and used the brainwash technology. I'm assuming they did the same to other world leaders.


Also in reality the Army, Navy, Air Force & Marines would've been kicking the Visitors asses as well as the resistance.
