MovieChat Forums > V (1983) Discussion > This was great back in the day

This was great back in the day

and still is today, I love it. I was 10 and 11 when both mini-series aired and it was all me and my friends could talk about at school. Teachers had to tell us to shut up as we would get so into it. Funny thinking back that far and to still love this show just as much today as then. It's basically just like Star Wars with a small rebellion vs the evil empire but I liked that it was mostly a bunch of average Joe's doing the fighting. To this day though our Army, Air Force, Navy & Marines would've been doing a lot of the fighting so it's funny the complete lack of military in the shows. But that only matters now, as a kid we were too young to notice. Lol


I'm about the same age you are, and I can remember talking about the miniseries nonstop with my friends at school. The original miniseries aired only weeks before Return of the Jedi premiered in theaters (May 1983), so our enthusiasm was primed for virtually any alien/sci-fi type show.

BTW the military is addressed in at least one quick scene in the original miniseries: Mike Donovan investigates a U.S. Air Force base and discovers that all Air Force personnel are under house arrest by the Visitors. Presumably the same thing has happened to the other branches of the U.S. Armed Forces at bases all over the world. (Some syndicated TV versions of V have several scenes missing, and the scene at the Air Force base is not included in those versions. I had forgotten about that scene until I watched the miniseries on DVD.)


Yeah I just find it hard to believe they got every single military branch locked down. Lol


That were conquerors first posing as peace keepers until they took over. I say they made a few meals out of some officers and took suits as military generals.


i must be about the same age, so this as great as a kid, in the 80s, where one could get away with stuff like this. nevertheless, as an adult that has seen more serious attempts at stories like this, i find this to be quite laughable in retrospect. reptilians with pseudo human skin and mind controlling abilities, that want to steal our water and use us as food? hahahahahaha. i am surprised the remake even made it to the second series.


You left out the part about the plausibility of reptiles breeding with mammals.


I was in HS then, and recall the popularity.


I re watched it a year ago and still love it


I didn't like V very much when I first saw it, and I still don't. I think it has a great concept and good production values, but its execution just leaves so much to be desired. The Nazi parallels are so heavy-handed it lacks any form of subtlety. Most of the heroes are just plain dull, and the visitors act more like campy soap opera villains in cheesy orange jumpsuits than menacing and fearsome extraterrestrial foes.


And the notion of being here from interstellar distances to steal our WATER. As if hydrogen and oxygen are uncommon. Hell, if the Visitors were clearly just here because they were xenophobic sadists, it would have made more sense.
