New season or reunion movie

With all the remakes and updates of old series, isn't it time for a updated SMK or a reunion TV movie ?


I think a remake of SMK would be great! Who do you think should be in a remake/updated version? I wouldn't mind seeing Nathan Fillion and Jennifer Gardner :)


Oh please no! I don't want a remake. The remakes SUCK....and part of the charm of SMK is the unmatchable chemistry between Bruce Boxleitner and Kate Jackson. It just wouldn't be the same in a remake.

It's coming out on DVD though so that's awesome and I'll take that for the moment!


ugh, no remakes! I would love to see the original cast showing us where they have all been the past years!


They already remade SMK, it's called "Chuck". That show has so many similarities to SMK including BB who guest starred in a few eps.



I think a reunion movie--maybe on cable, maybe on CBS--would be awesome. If Bruce Boxleitner and Kate Jackson were willing to very involved in it, that would be wonderful--maybe Amanda is appointed the chief of the agency? Or Amanda IS the chief of the agency, but Lee comes out of retirement when Amanda is kidnapped? Or something like that.

On the other hand, if BB and KJ didn't want to do that much--if they were willing only to do something more like cameos (or supporting roles, like BB on Chuck), the reunion could focus on Phillip and Jamie King. Say one brother had become an agent, and the other never knew anything about the Agency or Lee or Amanda's work with it. Then the agent brother, in a desperate moment, has to rope his brother into a case, similar to the way Lee first involved Amanda. Then you would get the similar experienced agent/naive civilian dynamic, but as a buddy/brothers story instead of a romance.


Bruce mentioned at the sci fi con that Kate had called him and was talking to him about a reunion movie. He said it sounded like a great idea but I don't think anything will materialize from it unless Bruce and Kate wanna make it themselves. Which probably wouldn't happen LOL.


Really don't want a remake but a reunion would be great. Bruce and Kate would have to be in it though. How about Jaime or Phillip somehow gets caught up in Agency business and Lee and Amanda have to come out of retirement to help them?

Whatever floats your boat, whatever stirs your coffee.--Michael Shanks


I wouldn't really like a remake as nobody could match the originals - even Chuck and Bones isn't as good. But I would love to see a reunion movie as both Bruce and Kate are still good for their ages and it would be nice to finally give them the closure they never really had.


As I sat thinking about SMK not so very long ago, I thought, "Those were some really good times." I awoke bright and early the next morning and my brain had come up with a way to do it all over again-fresh, so we could even play all thhe fish out of water and falling for each other again-as if for the first time!
Called the Big Fella and explained it to him-though at the time I had only a vague idea about what has turned into a full story with a plot I'd love to try!! Gonna call BB tonight and see what he thinks...but I have a feeling he's going to like it as much as I do...

So, YOU GUYS get ready to flood the network in support...if you want to, that is...and I hope you do...we'll have to put a plan together to roll their interest out...very strategicly make CBS afraid that, after BB and I go in and pitch it to them if they pass and we go somewhere else who picks it up...well, they'll have a whole lot of egg on their faces!!!!

More later...You guys are the BEST!!!



Is this for real?


Almost certainly not. I doubt Ms. Jackson would post a comment, particularly under her actual name - and I am certain she would have made sure that all words were spelled correctly.


Unless she typed it on one of the Agency spell checkers back then, ya know! ;)


0_0. . . .*blinkblink* B L I M E Y!!!!!!!
Did you?. . . Did she?. . . I. . . . wha. . . .HUH?? just. . . .


I'm a fan of 'scarecrow and misses king' and also 'white collar', then yes why not a remake with Bruce in the role of Head of Agency and Matt Bomer secret agent, and for the role of Amanda,i do not know. Matt Bomer has the class and charm like Bruce.I think it would not be a bad casting, especially since these two actors played together in 'chuck'.


A remake would be terrible.

But there are two other options that would rock (and aren't mutually exclusive).

1 - a reunion movie giving fans all the answers that they didn't get when the show ended. We've waited 30 years for closure so it'd be nice to get it. Ideally, it would introduce a daughter who repeats the "Stetson Play" with a new citizen (yes, Matt Bomer would be great!)

2 - a modern spin-off series with Lee and Amanda's daughter as an agent. It would be cool to see Philip and Jamie.

If it was my decision, I'd be looking at some of the amazing content on the fan-fiction sites ;) The fans have been shouting what they want for years.


I agree. It would be great for SMK to have a reunion show or movie. Praying it will happen soon.
