Weird nudity.
Overthinking this:
80's teen comedies and nudity were pretty normal. Problem is, were looking at nude teenage girl characters. That's a little disturbing.
Overthinking this:
80's teen comedies and nudity were pretty normal. Problem is, were looking at nude teenage girl characters. That's a little disturbing.
You are aware that those are actors pretending to be teenage girls.
They we’re at least 18
I am aware. It's just a gross concept.
shareYou reek of self-righteousness
shareWhy? Because I see the concept of sexualizing naked teenagers as gross? If that's the case, I'm okay with being self righteous.
shareAgain, they’re not teenagers!!!
They’re actors portraying teenagers - your point is moot!!!
They actors are not teenagers, but the characters are. So its creepy. Point stands.
sure, whatever makes you feel better about yourself, and your issues....
shareI have a thread about Porky's and that it is impossible to find (Taboo case file #001). This movie and some other teen sex movies of the 1980's are not showing regularly on cable anymore. You just might have helped explain another reason why that is, I thought it was solely pressures from woman's groups and sexual harassment issues.
shareHeterosexuality is being erased from the culture.
shareI get it. Imagine if an 18-year-old actress were to play a 12 or 13-year-old girl. It would be really, really, creepy.
I'm not condemning this or other pics portraying teenage nudity. In fact, I shamefully admit to having enjoyed it from time to time. And from another time to a completely other time.
But the observation, IMHO, is valid.
I assume you are young man 20-35, I can give you some insight as to why this occurred.
Back in the day 1980's these types of movies (Porky's,Fast Times,Sixteen Candles,American Pies) used sex to entice young men and women to see it. This was allowed and not seen as creepy by society because most people acknowledged that teens were sexual beings.
Light nudity was not taboo, titillating seens sold tickets and was almost expected in "R" rated High School films.
A weird dynamic has changed all this....internet porn. In the 1980's they did have VHS tapes, but most teens might only have one of their fathers, usually not good and the scenes quickly grew stale (how many times could you watch Debbie Does Dallas' right!). Teenagers needed what Dr. Ruth Westheimer called "healthy release". Sex in High School movies helped provide this and was sanctioned by society.
Todays teens literally have access to millions of porn scenes in the palm of their hand (no pun intended). The "healthy release" is no longer needed in High School films. Added to this the harsher sex laws labeling 16 year olds as "children" have added to societies condemantion of sex in High School films.
So as you see, it is a generational thing.
And it's still gross.
shareWhy? These movies are for teenagers. Adults are not going to watch Zapped.
I watched this mediocre movie once in my teens and have no desire to see it again. These types of movies were MADE for the horny teen.
If a 50 year old guy wants to watch Zapped in front of a teenager... then yeah... that is disturbing.
Even a 50 year old who wants to revisit Zapped is a little off in my book.
Nothing wrong with revisiting Zapped! as an adult. It's awful but has definite nostalgia value for some people and can be amusing to make fun of. There must be some market for it because Olive Films came out with a great looking Bluray a few years ago. If I see it's playing on any of the streaming channels, I never pass up an opportunity to revisit it, as awful as it is.
shareYeah...I would probably watch 5 -10 minutes of it if I came across.
Reminiscing of the 1980's.
Then what are you doing on the board of a near 40 year old teen sex comedy anyway?
shareI take issue with some part of the OP argument, and am working on by debating skills.
I can also understand why new generations might think that teen sex comedies of the 80's are disturbing.
I also love social science.
The disappearance of major Hollywood teen sex comedies in society has to have a reason, I believe I hit on it in my second reply.
I don't find it disturbing but then again I'm not attracted to teenagers so it wouldn't necessarily occur to me that it's something I should be disturbed by.
I'd say about 90% of nudity in film is unnecessary, regardless of the age of the character. I'd be more likely to just to think "oh great another gratuitous tits and arse shot - that's original!"
I think you may be overthinking it, for sure. We all watched this crap in the 80s and very few of us grew up to be sex pests. In a way there's even an innocence and naivety to these 80s teen sex comedies that's almost twee in this age when virtually nothing is shocking and the most explicit pornography is just one click of a smartphone away.
It is a little disturbing, because you know there are a good number of guys who use these movies to get off while they imagine these girls are actually in high school.
shareSnowflake looking for an excuse to be "disturbed' and "offended". Zapped! was actually intended to be a PG movie before Porky's made over $100 million. The flying boobies were added later to cash in on the teen sex movie craze. If you think Zapped! Is "disturbing", please stay away from the Porky's board. We've got enough wool on that board to knit a sweater!
shareSee you on the Porky's board. lol
shareWhy does nudity disturb you? Or teenage nudity?
America has become extremely conservative during my lifetime. If this continues, in another few decades it will be like Brazil (1985). You'll be one of the thought police. If Trump wins, and it looks like he will, they'll be spying through your Alexa devices and watching your internet traffic within 4 years.