Imdb ratings can be all over the place when it comes to films. So I wouldn't look too much into them. Out of that bunch I personally have The Big Chill and The Unbearable... a lot higher onto a 8. I think the Munich and Raising Arizona ratings are fair. I;d knock up Election to 7.8 or 7.7.
The World According to Grap is a weird one, it's not a total success but even with flaws it's still a strong work. John Lithgow and Glen Close deliver some of their greatest performances, and both got Oscar nominations for their troubles. It showed Robin William's was more then the "Mork Guy". It's a film that I don't think would have been made today.
I had read the book and still very much appreciated the adaption..But I don't think it gets the degree of "discovery" that other films get..
But could it be made today? I consider this with a lot of films lately.
The John Lithgrow character might work since she's the most well adjusted character of the bunch. But I'm not sure the Ellen James Society of extreme activists would go over so well in the current climate or Garp's Mom having sex with the comatose brain dead soldier. I'm an old school feminist that isn't triggered by everything that isn't flattering to females but seems the new school can be pretty narrow and restrictive.
I guess it couldn't be made today. A shame on how restricted and judgemental things seem these days..
The feminist stuff is why I don't think it would get made, especially in the MeToo world we live in today. It would be attacked for the reasons you stated. Also no studio would green lit it, even if a top director wanted to do it.
I agree and that's exactly the problem that the last decade, in particular, has shown in a decline of originality and creativity.
It's the opposite of progressive to basically censor free expression just because it has some unflattering portrayal or if you don't like what it says.
Hopefully time will make that obvious and we'll have a renaissance as we did in the 70's..