MovieChat Forums > Tenebre (1984) Discussion > Is a Blu-Ray planned anytime soon?

Is a Blu-Ray planned anytime soon?

Was just curious. I seem to remember hearing that a Region-2 (Great Britian) one, alone with the same era's of Argento's Giallo/Slasher entry Phenomena was schedualed for later on this year, but doesn't show anytime. And I'm here in North America, but my Highlander (1986) Blu-Ray works on both of my Blu-Ray home theater set ups, so it's all cool to me. Was juct curious, once again.

So anyone got any news an any possible Blu releases? And yeah, I got the standard def Argento yellow-covered set from '08, but eventually I really want more of his stuff to hit Blu-Ray then just what all Blue-Underground has put out (albiet fine releases, mind you).


It's available on Amazon UK from 27 September.


Big thanks, Timos. If lists it anytime soon as an import then since my Highlander (1986) disc plays in my North American player, then I'll snatch it up. I've so far got all of the Argento Blu Ray discs from Blu-Underground. And so far, so good. All have been improvements over the DVD, more or less, and so I'll continue to buy his stuff. Unless a North American Tenebre and Pheneomena Blu Ray discs, then I'll import'em with a monthly bulk order.

Big thanks again.



It's okay, wakingupinvegas. You're most certainly welcomed to your opinion! It is okay if you hate and dislike High-Definition, even if I feel it is a misguided hatred and I don't quite understand why you would want EVERYTHING in standard def, I don't see any problem. And as for Region-B on Blu Ray, I didn't know it was for most many other territories, as I just looked that up now. I forget it is different then standard definition DVD regional coding. Ah well, my bad!

But you wrote:

"Dear God I hope not. I Hate Blu-Ray (sorry but I just have this hatred against HD, it soils movies for me)."
I was just curious as to how much HD movies you've seen, as I feel it greatly improves most movies myself, and I'm been addicting to ordering Blu Rays and enjoying them on my Blu home theater setup over the last nearly two years. Mostly from bulk Amazon orders. Besides that, no one is making you buy Blu Rays. Just try to kee an open mind, now. No one is making you buy the re-mastered genre films of Argento on Blu Ray that Blue-Underground and the like have put out. I'm just curious about what is it that some hate? Nothing too serious.




Was just curious. I seem to remember hearing that a Region-2 (Great Britian) one

There's no such thing as numbered regions in Blu-Ray, moron.


I used to be blu-ray phobic as well. I was under the false impression that the transfers made the movies TOO sharp, like where the only point is to see an actor's wrinkles, etc. But then I realized how much an improvement it really was. Better sound, the colors pop so much more strongly, it really is spectacular.

Not to mention fewer discs. It's so much cooler to have a director's cut and original version on one disc, plus special features when it used to be that the same movie would be either released on DVD as a 2-disc edition, or just completely separately release them and make you buy both if you want both versions like they did for Rob Zombie's Halloween.
