MovieChat Forums > Tenebre (1984) Discussion > Increible long, uncut camera shot

Increible long, uncut camera shot

That has got to be one of, if not the most amazing/creative long uncut camera shot I can remember ever seeing. The scene where the camera crawls along the wall, looks in one window, then goes along the wall to another part of the building, even seems to pass over a roof or something at one point. All in one take. Amazing!


Indeed, Argento really indulged himself there. It works, but it's pure style and perhaps a little excessive.

Odd thing is, when the film was on VHS back in the day, that scene was cut short. It had a weird jump cut from one part of the house to another. What a pointless edit.


It really is great. Brian De Palma is a huge fan of that shot, which he pays homage to in The Untouchables (scene in which one of Capone's men is spying on Sean Connery as Connery walks around his apartment).


I LOVED that shot

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


Polanski has a long shot like that for the opening credits of The Tenant.




Yeah but the TCM shot is also memorable for following the incredible erm... rear of the unfortunate meat hook victim
