is it worth it?

So i was over at best buy and i saw swamp thing in the five dollar bin and picked it up. then i come to imdb and hear that i got the edited version? and some of you paid 10 times more than what i paid for this film. am i really missing out on anything or are some of you just serious collectors? the film has some mild profanity like singular use of the word *beep* and enough nudity for a 14 year old, but i cant imagine im missing anything.

enough gibberish, what was so important that the film had to be recalled and recut specificaly?

Is the differnce like watching Scarface on TV or is it just trivial?


i cant say *beep* on imdb. i tried to say it but they beeped me.

the scarface thing is an actual question not a quote.


the uncut DVD has the extended nude scene of Adrienne in the water. Its INCREDIBLE! They only recalled the DVD's from the major chains (Blockbuster, Hollywood). You can easily find it at an independent rental store. If you want to buy it its on ebay a lot


I think it's worth it. Like I said before, I paid about $54 for mine on Ebay. The nudity was worth it, and while it was happening I was thinking to myself, "here's the money shot!!"

I also think it is important to see a director's movie as he or she intended it to be seen, even if it is minor. And I don't know why they could release the movie as R instead of edited it down to a PG. The jerks. All of these, the recall and bs, because a lady complained about her son seeing boobs in a PG movie. Come on, don't capitulate because of some nancy wench.

There is no night as deep as this
Inevitable mind's abyss
Where I now dwell with foes alone



I got this and ghosts of mars for £5 from morrisons!!!


Yeah it's always been uncut in Britain (cert 15), pity the dvd isn't anamorphic though.


I just watched it on Comcast OnDemand(free). I saw a quite nice nude scene, but was that extended or not? God dang does Adrienne have a great rack. This movie has more nudity(the party scene) than I remember watching it on TV(HBO) as a kid.


Yes. It's all about boobs and Jude.
