3-D Version???

hello, does anyone remember a 3-D version of this film shown on regular TV during the early 1980's? I have a faint memory of it being advertised to air on regular TV and it was going to be in 3-D. I remember everyone in the local neighborhoods racing out to the local stores and gas stations to get cheap 3-D glasses for the showing?! Does anyone remeber this or has seen this film shown in 3-D?


Nope, it was never shown in 3-D, BUT the week it came out theatrically was the same week REVENGE OF THE CREATURE was shown on TV in 3-D with the same kind of gas station/convenience store 3-D glasses promotion thing.


I can see why you thought it was in 3D though...what with Adrienne Barbeau's boobs being on prominent display and all.



Wow pretty wild, I always thought I watched The Swamp Thing in 3D on TV back then too, but I guess it was Revenge of the Creature. Was the only 3D movie I've ever seen, even up until now. Thanks for the info!!!!
