MovieChat Forums > Swamp Thing (1982) Discussion > Adrienne Barbeau nude scene?

Adrienne Barbeau nude scene?

Just saw this on on cable. Does A.B. have a nude scene? If so, where?


I had read somewhere that when the video first came out they cut her topless scene cuz an angry mother wrote a letter about her kid seeing Adrienne's bounty.
I NETFLIXed the DVD last night and although they showed Adrienne skinny dipping it was all tastefully done and they didnt have any real 'money shot" I guess that scene was cut and is STILL cut.

HOWEVER....Im in the USA and maybe in the UK there are other versions? Or maybe theres an un-cut version floating around? Not sure. All I know is my copy I NETFLIXed had no nips!

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Yep, I'm one of the lucky ones that bought the original DVD before it was recalled. There is a nice extended topless shot of Adrienne while she is bathing in the pond. In addition, there is a quick insert shot of two naked skanks dancing with each other at the party (It's lame).

I even managed to get the star and director to sign my copy. Quite a collector's item I have huh?


Adreinne never did it for me, I guess because i associate her with Maude.
She was always only known for her boobs and not much else. She was in several of these hoky horror flicks.


I was working on my review foer this on my site and saw some pictures and was like, "This wasn't in the movie." Definitely cut something from the finished product.

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