MovieChat Forums > The Snowman (1984) Discussion > Affected me as a toddler

Affected me as a toddler

I first saw this film during Christmas 1986 when I was three. Anyway I remember being enthralled with the magic flying snowman and for a child it was sheer joy...until the ending. It was the first time that I had experienced the feelings of extreme sadness and grief. I got into a right state and couldn't be consoled. I remember my mum trying to explain that the snowman had taken his 'snow coat' off and flown away because it had stopped snowing. He was a flying spirit that took different forms. Eventually my sadness subsided when my dad bought me a huge cuddly snowman just like the one from the film.

As other have said this was the first time that I was exposed to the fact that not everything is fine and dandy.

Was any else affected by this film when they were young?


Yeah, I, too, remember experiencing similar feelings when the snowman melted. I was so young. It was quite difficult to watch...


yes. It's my earliest lesson on all good things come to an end.
Friendships, love, relationships, success....death awaits us all.


me too im 27 now and was born when this animation came out, i cannot think of anything that makes me feel so nostalgic, it beautiful


I remember seeing this back in '94, maybe, back when I was in kindergarten. I didn't cry, but I was kind of depressed after watching. They showed it to us at school and I wasn't a happy camper after I'd seen it.


Aloha maku maku. Don Ho will not emerge from the Valley of Darkness.


How interesting. I had a very similar experience the first time I saw it as a toddler..... I was so sad... it's crazy thinking back on the first time you realized how real life works... sometimes I really miss the ignorance...


I'd never seen this film until this past Christmas, when my mom bought my 2 1/2 year old the DVD. He absolutely loves this movie, he could watch it over and over (and often has). He's never shown any sadness, but, for me, it's a very depressing cartoon, especially the "Walking in the Air" song.


Had this on video when I was little. Maybe about 3 or 4, and I'd watch it every Christmas. It's good that the film has received so much recognition from the industry, as I really think such gems as this rarely come about in children's material anymore. The animation is simply sublime as well. Maybe my nostalgia is bringing about a bias, but I just love it so much, I rated it 10/10.

What the... I didn't have any CORN!


I also felt profound sorrow and still do as I watch it 20 years later (must have been around '90).


28, and I remember being absolutely crushed when I first saw this. I wept for ages. I guess this (and perhaps Bambi) where my first introduction to the notion that nothing lasts forever.

I remember watching a TV show a couple of years ago, that had a feature on The Snowman. I can't remember who who said it (may have been Raymond Briggs) - but apparently at the end when the kid is looking down upon the scarf, it was supposed to start snowing. Symbolising rebirth and moving on with life etc.


I was in nursery school when I saw this. That was probably around 1989.

Anyway, I don't really remember how I felt. I suppose I didn't take it too hard, because this film was one of my favorites as a child. I'd request to see it in school and at home. I liked the idea of having a snowman as a friend.

Yes, the ending was sad, but I used to think the boy would see his frosty friend again next winter.

Perry: "You, stop multiplying!"
