This was one of the most dissapointing films i've seen in my life.
Now. before you get the wrong idea and think that i'm nothing but a troll, i assure you im not. I was ENJOYING this movie IMMENSELY. From the beautiful and wonderous animation, to the haunting score and exciting story, i was loving the secret of nimh and was definately going to rank it up in my top 20 films.
But then the ending came.
Wow. Just, wow. I've never witnessed an ending so abrupt and unresolved before. I'm serious how can anyone hardly care about this?? Plot points were left unresolved and unexplained, characters were introduced to only get killed off between 5 - 10 minutes later. Some characters bared hardly any relevence to the plot! And there were aspects to it that contradicted eachother. Your left asking yourself things like "huh?" and "what?" and "is that IT?"
This film was definately one of the biggest dissapointments ever. I was loving this thing, i was on the verge of giving it a 10 under the impression that all the loose ends were going to get tied up. But they didn't. That sucked. So from a solid 10, i'm going to have to settle with either a 6.5 or a 7. Not too sure yet.
Anyone else feel the same way??