Highly overrated!

OMG I kept hearing how great this movie was ever since I was a kid. Well I just got finished watching it and I was bored out of my mind. Everything was bad the plot, the characters. Mrs Frisbee was annoying as heck. The only Don Bluth worth watching is "Land Before Time" ok and maybe "All Dogs go to heaven". I want my hour and 20 minutes back!



Bluth had a fraction of Disney's budget. All things considered, his animation was pretty good.



the character's that had extreme personalities had facial expressions and cartoony exaggerated animation to match, the performances the animators made were incredible. Mrs.Brigsby and Johnathon, more subdued, subtle characters has less extreme facial expressions.

One of the things that makes animation so great is the ability to exaggerate in interesting ways, if you aren't going to take advantage of that why have it be a cartoon at all?

The animation in NIMH is amazing regardless of any budget or qualifier.


I thought it was a tad underrated.


Its got awesome animation, an amazing soundtrack, and some truly beautiful background work and rich color choice. Of course, all those things don't add up to a great movie. I love Dom, but not here so much. The amulet looks beautiful, but comes out of nowhere. Maybe given 10-15 extra minutes of running time, it all could have gelled?


This film is a masterpiece.




You need to have seen it at the time, when you were a child.
That is the target audience, not fully grown adults.

As a kids film, it is indeed fantastic!!

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