Why was Nicodemus killed?

Nicodemus was the most conscious, psychic, intelligent, magickal
being in the movie. With full use of his abilities, the rats and mice
of NIMH might have become immortal and surpassed even humans
in their evolution.

Why was Nicodemus killed off? And all of his magickal and
scientific apparatus, books, etc., lost?

Because we, the viewers -- the population -- are not supposed
to value consciousness and intelligence.

If we did, we might figure out who is controlling the world
and taking most of the value of what we produce, leaving only
1% of the wealth to be divided among 99% of the population.
We might identify who is at the top of the pyramid of control.

We might defeat them.

Instead, the film ends by telling us that _love_ is the most
important power. Romantic love, as illustrated by the two
crows. The subject of almost all the pop songs we're given
to fill our heads.

Psychedelics are banned for the same reason. People with
limited consciousness are easy to control, and easy to enslave
without their even realizing it.

Very safe and useful for the rulers.


Jenner wanted to take control over the rats. To do that he had to get rid of Nicodemus. It's just that simple.


Not to mention Nicodemus was very old when the events of the movie happened. Plus, Nicodemus, while yes being very wise, was not all-knowing. He didn't account for everything. He was described to be more accepting of Jenner, although I'm sure he had his suspicions. He most likely didn't want to believe Jenner was as diabolical as he really was.


The book this is based on is different; Jenner wasn't even with the rats in the present time, nor vilified, and Nicodemus wasn't old...


Wow, a simple cartoon turned into a crazy political rant.


Smurfs are communists.


Why was Nicodemus killed?

Simple, brick beats rat.

Why, thank you, Thing!


He was more accepting of Jenner and Jenner was jealous of all his cool powers.
