MovieChat Forums > Porky's (1982) Discussion > Anyone else who finds this scene hilario...

Anyone else who finds this scene hilarious?

When the guys show up at Porky's for the first time, and that band are playing on stage, with the singer who turns back and forward all the time...
Maybe I explained it wrong but, first he turns against the adience to sing one line or so, then he turns to his bandmates and sing the next line, and then back to the audience again and so on...

I laugh my ass of everytime I see that, cause it looks so damn stupid!

I wish I was an irishman with golden hair and tapping feet


Possibly the reason why the lead singer does that is to make sure everyone is going to say the same words as he does because if not then it would not sound very good at all.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


I happened to catch the film on Encore last night, and I had the captioning on, so I could catch any words that were too hard to understand with those Southern accents. Anyway, what the guy is singing is Heart Throb. I didn't think it was funny, by the way. Maybe that was just how the song went.


When the singer turns around it is so that the others can sing at the microphone. "He sings, They sing"
Pub band back up singers rarely got their own microphone 50 odd years ago.


Well, looks pretty damn funny to me anyway.



Yeah, I get a kick out that scene. I could have sworn he was singing "Ardvark" before I knew he was saying "Heartthrob" I thought it was a truly redneck moment in history for a guy to be singing about a freakin ardvark


I always thought he was singing "Hogwash"


bomp ba ba ba bamp
What is funny is he just can't sing.

"Now, where were we?"-Pinhead



LOL It is a funny song and singing. &


"I could have sworn he was singing "Ardvark" before I knew he was saying "Heartthrob"

I think he's singing "Hodge Podge"


I always thought he was singing "HOT BOB, HOT BOB boba-bobobobo" LOL. I thought to myself, "that can't be right", so I convinced myself that he was probably singing "HOT BOD HOT BOD". Hahaha, ah yaaaaa, I'm a moron.
