I don't get it?
Why is this movie so funny?
I just recently watched it on DVD and I really don't know why people find this movie so hysterical.
Most of the movie, I was basically sitting there with a WTF expression on my face. The shower scene is not very funny, just stupid. The scene following it in the principal's office almost made me turn the movie off. Come on, the coach's were just dumb in that scene. Honeywell in the locker room, are you serious? Who does that? No one acts like that during sex, nor would anyone hear it with 20 basketballs bouncing.
Sorry, I popped this in thinking it would be good based on all my friends recommendations, but I was sadly disappointed.
American Pie has more value than this movie. The message was better, the chicks were hotter, and the situations were more realistic, unlike this movie.