I was in 1st grade in 1981, but a few years later was when we got cable TV and a VCR. My dad recorded Porky's, and I remember sneaking it out of his bedroom closet to enjoy during the latchkey kid days...I only had the house to myself for an hour or so, so I wouldn't usually watch the whole movie.
Many years later, I got the film and watched it as an adult, and found it to be a very good period piece featuring horny high school kids doing anything it takes to get laid. But they also tackle some other issues, such as racism and oppressive obscenity laws. Porky's II featured a very memorable scene between an evangelist and the nerdy principal where they have a showdown over whether Shakespeare or the Bible were more obscene. Not as memorable as all the bald naked Klansmen running around the rally. And Porky's revenge not only saw Tommy getting paid back for everything that he did to Pee Wee, as well as Beulah reconnecting with her long lost love.
In a lot of ways, Pee Wee is, Ralphie from A Christmas Story, but a bit more grown up, and interested in something different than a BB gun.