
Couple of random thoughts:

How do you think the peakholes were made in the first place? My theory is either it was an artitectual mistake and that was stumbed upon by a student, or maybe the guys who were building the school had younger brothers going there and decided to give them something they would enjoy, and set it up for them.

Also do you think this group was the first group to know about it, or was it a tradition like the book in American Pie that kept getting passed down year after year.

Finally, do you realize how big of a disaster this would be for a school district if this happend now. Every girl who had taken a shower in that lockerroom since whenever the holes were put in would be able to sue the the school for sexual harrassment. I guarentee the principal would not have been laughing if he was staring down the barrell of the biggest lawsuit ever filed againist a school.

"If I'm wrong, I'll pay for it. But if I'm right you're gonna hear about it."


I remember the three boys pulling pipes away from the holes the first time spying. Something must have sprayed out of those pipes but it never shows.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


I seem to remember a story on the news from about five years ago: It was discovered that some NFL team had a similar peep-hole thing in the cheerleader's shower and had been watching them for years until they got busted. The radio DJ who was talking about the story, and who usually seemed like a cool guy, was going on and on about how awful it was and how it made him be ashamed to be a guy and I thought that was ridiculous; it's totally awesome, I bet most of the girls even thought it was funny.


I bet most of the girls even thought it was funny.

Well lets hope. Sex comedies and Reality don't mix too well.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


Jesus, people are too sensitive now. One of the great bonuses of being gay is that I can go to the gym and take a shower with the other men without having to drill a special peephole to see the cocks.

"I've flown this route before."
"When was that?"


One of the great bonuses of being gay is that I can go to the gym and take a shower with the other men without having to drill a special peephole to see the cocks.

You probably just don't tell them that right?

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:



You got that right! Every 80s sex comedy included a "hilarious" peeping tom scene where the toms usually got busted but the acts were laughed off by the victims and there was no harm done. Fast forward to all these dudes getting caught with cameras in tanning salons and the like and you can just hear their defense: "...but it was always so funny in the movies?! Why is everyone so upset??"


That was the Eagles at the old Veteran's Stadium. No idea how that turned out, though.

Now, back to the shower, I see no reason that those pipes would be installed, as they are obviously not water dispensing pipes, and they are too high to be drain pipes. I asked my brother the plumber, and he chalks it up to artistic license.


A middle school in National City in CA had a peephole into the boys restroom put there on orders of the principal. The custodian who had to drill it spilled the beans and the principal got fired. Last I heard around 1993 was that he was a principal in East LA. Pull that nonsense there and he probably got beat up. He was definitely a class-A jackass who thought he could bully everyone especially the subs. After one encounter with him I did not accept any assignments to that school till after he was replaced. The story of the peephole went the rounds of the Sweetwater School District and there were around 18 high schools and middle schools at the time. I haven't worked for that district since 1996 so am not worried about this being seen by administrators,etc of the school district.


Actually, I was going to make a post about the peepholes in the shower.

It shows them going under the building and swiveling a pipe, which moves three "L" shaped pipes up and away from the wall. They then look through the holes, which from the other side, look like drains.

Why would there be drains 2-3 feet off the floor and mounted in the wall? It seems unlikely that water was supposed to come out of them as it would be shooting out of the wall at around mid-thigh level.

I know that it was just done for laughs, but logically, why would there be holes in the wall at that height?


maybe those holes and pipes were vents for the steam?

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maybe those holes and pipes were vents for the steam?

They'd be useless as vents. Steam rises, it wouldn't fall to the levels of those holes and then go sideways into the pipes.

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well then there's only two options left

1. the filmmakers just put them there so the boys would have something to look through, disregarding any logic


2. the construction workers who built the school put those in on purpose as a secret

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On the cover it shows a crome circle inside the shower, so that whomever is taking the shower would know that something is there.

The only explanation I can think of is maybe that is where a soap holder would be. Be careful when peeping, that you do not get soap in your eye.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


Close. Probably vents in the water line so the water would flow properly out of the showerheads.


I've always assumed the holes were some sort of sprayer for the lower extremities, kinda like a verticle bidet. Perhaps by the 50's girls were just doing their douching at home, making the ones at school obsolete, so the guys could use them ,undetected, as peep holes.

** Everyone will see my oddly shaped uvula... **


Those hole in the shower are plot holes.

As in holes for the purposes of the plot, ha.


My theory is the pipes were once for sinks. They had since expanded and reconfigured the room and didn't bother to remove the old hardware.


That actually makes sense.
