Zombie 6

This movie is sometimes creditet as Zombie 6. Do you consider this to be a zombie movie?


no not really but i saw some where that there is a zombie 7


No, this is NOT a zombie movie! The now defunct compnay Edde Entertaniment/T-Z video released the movie as Zombie 6: Monster Hunter to make more people buy the movie thinking it was an entry into the Italian Zombie series. The acutal name of the film is just Monster Hunter



None of the so called Zombie films were related. Producers and video companies did it to capitalize on the popularity of the earlier films with Zombie titles (Dawn of the Dead and Fulci's Zombie). Fulci's film was even titled Zombie 2 in Italy to make it appear connected to Romero's Dawn of The Dead which was called Zombie in Italy.


There is actually another film, called Absurd, that is also sometimes called zombie 6. It's an obscure British film that IMDB doesn't even have a synopsis of.


There is actually another film, called Absurd, that is also sometimes called zombie 6. It's an obscure British film that IMDB doesn't even have a synopsis of.

Rosso Sangue is actually Absurd, they are the same movie.



Actually Fulci worked with Romero heavily on Dawn of the dead owning some of it and being able to make his own sequel to it?However I heard Zombie or Zombi2(same thing) is a sequel from another movie two?I dont think Fulci is that great but I like a few scenes from "Zombie" and the make-up is cool seeing how I like those rotted looking zombies.Every dumbass wants to make these minimalist zombies with just white make-up these days and it looks a bit bad.I am a make-up artist and I hate when they do terrible make-up when it is so easy to step it up?Sorry,I got a little off track?


No, it was Argento who worked closely with Romero on Dawn of the Dead.

The best part of waking up is Satan in your cup.


Amazing how many people post incorrect information. This place is loaded with tons of stupids. Must be teeny boppers trying to get a grasp of what once was.


You said a mouthful there. Straight-up morons infesting the imdb.


Don't ever mistake Fulci for Argento. They aren't even in the same league. Fulci admitted years later that most of his films were made just to turn a quick buck and ride certain trends in b-movies at the time.

Argento's cut of DOTD was the one released in Europe with slightly different score and some extended scenes and editing. It was called Zombi/Zombie, but Romero never once used the term in any of his movies, and especially wouldn't allow a hack like Fulci to do so.


Some extneded scenes in Argento's cut?

No no no... he made a very fast paced quick moving cut... he removed TONS of scenes - He doesn't really appear to have added any... I mean well just some minor ones that were in the director's cut. Not many NEW things.


Very true, TromaFreak.

Btw, how anyone have the stomach to call Fulci a hack is beyond me. IMHO, he is as good as Argento and better than the overrated Romero.

This flick is almost as brutal as Anthropophagous!


Where is it released as Zombie 7, and do you have the artwork?


A german film called "Zombie Neunzig: äußerste Pestilenz" (Zombie 90: Extreme Pestilence) was bootlegged as Zombi 7 in the USA for years.

Im 13 and I can hate movies. Deal with it!
I am the self declared Destroyer of Jokes!


'Absurd' was never released as Zombie 7, but apparently as 'Zombie 6: Monster Hunter' on VHS. Artwork here...http://projectdeadpost.com/zombiseries.html/zombie-6-monster-hunter-vh s

There has been reference to either 'Anthropophagus' (Joe D'Amato's precursor to 'Absurd') or 'Zombie 90' being badged as Zombie 7 but no images have ever surfaced.... i'm actually not totally convinced of the attached Zombie 6 cover...
