zombie 6 uncut?

I'm looking to find an at least semi-legit copy of this movie and I noticed that it had been released on tape here in the US as Zombie 6. Is this version the uncut version or should I just stick to looking for the Wizard Video version, which I hear is the real uncut one?


well, just in case anyone else was wondering, the zombie 6 version is indeed uncut. i ended up buying it anyway at it turns out that i got a good deal. the quality isn't all that great but it's still worth it if you're looking to see this movie.


is that the 96 minute version? where did you get it from?

oh, and is it in english?


The quality of the movie isn't all that great so it deserves a bad transfer/reproduction.


'Absurd' was apparently as 'Zombie 6: Monster Hunter' on VHS. Artwork here...http://projectdeadpost.com/zombiseries.html/zombie-6-monster-hunter-vhs

There has been reference to either 'Anthropophagus' (Joe D'Amato's precursor to 'Absurd') or 'Zombie 90' being badged as Zombie 7 but no images have ever surfaced.... i'm actually not totally convinced of the attached Zombie 6 cover... it this legit?

for one thing, why is the 'cover' image to the left of the spine in the image... which would put it on the back of a VHS cover...


The 'Zombie 6: Monster Hunter' cover you linked is indeed legit. It was distributed through the company T-Z Video and I purchased it in a store back in the 90s. It's uncut but in pretty terrible shape. Before that, it was released by Wizard under the title 'Monster Hunter' here in America.

A good rule of thumb for this site is that if you cannot find EVIDENCE (poster, video box scan, newspaper ad) that a film was released under a certain title, don't necessarily believe what IMDb has to say about it. A lot of people submit false information here and I uncover it all the time doing research for my blog. There are tons (maybe even hundreds) of films on here erroneously listed as a "Zombie" sequel that some bozo has sent through.

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