plot question please

So Fitz wanted to build an opera house between the two rivers, I understand that part.
So why did he have to carry the boat over the mountain?? I thought the whole point was that he carried the boat over the mountain to avoid the rapids...but he ended up having to go thru the rapids anyway?? Why did they have to take the boat over the mountain...why not just build the opera huse between the rivers?
Also...what was the deal with the ice?? Fitz wanted to sell ice to the natives, but they didn't want any? Please help.


The river they were moving the boat into went up into previously inaccessible areas where he could get rubber to finance his opera house. They went through the rapids by mistake when the natives released the boat. The plan was to use one boat to the bring rubber down but before it got to the rapids transfer it to another boat on the main river to bring to town and sell.

rapids crossing point
============___X_______________________ rubber trees
@ town _|
_____________/ \___________
Main river
