Goof - currents go wrong way
I wanted to add a "goof" fact to the listing, but it was rejected by the automatisms because I'm too "new". (Despite the fact that I had already contributed quotes to movies when IMDB did not require registration yet...)
Oh well. So, here I go, perhaps someone else likes to add this to the goofs section:
*** spoiler warning ***
When the ship has been carried over the hill and is shown coming down to the other river, that river flows the wrong way: If we see the ship coming from the left down towards right, and see the river on the right vertically, then the Amazonas should be in the "far" top, towards the horizon. And since this river flows into the Amazonas (that is a fact told in the movie), it should flow towards it, meaning it should flow away from the viewer - yet one can clearly see that it flows towards the viewer, from the far top to the near bottom.
(Besides that - I've seen this movie for the first time only now, since I do not like Kinski in general, and while I first was almost too annoyed watching him, I am glad I went through with the movie -- it's a great one!)