MovieChat Forums > Fitzcarraldo (1982) Discussion > Goof - currents go wrong way

Goof - currents go wrong way

I wanted to add a "goof" fact to the listing, but it was rejected by the automatisms because I'm too "new". (Despite the fact that I had already contributed quotes to movies when IMDB did not require registration yet...)

Oh well. So, here I go, perhaps someone else likes to add this to the goofs section:

*** spoiler warning ***

When the ship has been carried over the hill and is shown coming down to the other river, that river flows the wrong way: If we see the ship coming from the left down towards right, and see the river on the right vertically, then the Amazonas should be in the "far" top, towards the horizon. And since this river flows into the Amazonas (that is a fact told in the movie), it should flow towards it, meaning it should flow away from the viewer - yet one can clearly see that it flows towards the viewer, from the far top to the near bottom.

(Besides that - I've seen this movie for the first time only now, since I do not like Kinski in general, and while I first was almost too annoyed watching him, I am glad I went through with the movie -- it's a great one!)


I noticed another goof - in a scene with a native mother and children - it's the one with the exposed breast - another young native woman to her right has a very clear vaccination scar on her shoulder!


That is total bs and I will tell you why. Werner Herzog did not use any special effects what so ever in this film, which is one of the reasons why this film is so spectacular. Some of the actors on set were either killed or badly wounded while filming. So, to say that you found evidence showing the whole thing is a rout, is absolutely appauling, and very impossible.


What the heck are you talkin about atomic? Are you stupid? Where did he say the whole thing is a rout? He pointed out a valid goof, according to the map drawn by kinski the river is supposed to flow towards the left but in the actual shot of the boat coming down its flowing the other direction, simple movie mistake. And NOBODY got killed while shooting fitzcarraldo!! Btw, what the heck is it with this automatism that you are too "new"? that sucks. many ppl register to add the goof or something on a rare movie and this should be perfectly alright. anyways cya


A teacher of mine worked with Herzog on this film. We had recently a lecture about this film and he told us that no one got killed BECAUSE of the film. Someone died DURING the production but it didn't happen because of the filming or the preperations for it.
Just wanted to make this sure ;)


Actually, Herzog did use some special effects in this film. There was a model of a boat that was steered into the "gorge." It is clearly a model and a special effects supervisor is credited for it at the beginning. So, to say that you found no evidence "what so ever" of special effects is absolutely appauling, and very impossible.


It was filmed on location so where's the goof? What, are you serious? Like no one has had a goof where they inadvertently point the wrong way, or come thru the wrong door, etc. Even in places that /actually exist/.

The river seems to flow the wrong way. Since they both would go the same way, I think its perfectly likely that they simply reversed everything in the telling shot. Like, cut to the east-most river from the right vantage point when they should have started on the west-most river. There, a way that editing can cause an error even though it was filmed in the real world.





There's no goof at all. And the scar in the arm might be a bit or something alike.


River currents can be deceitful. I don't know if this is the case. I haven't reached the part of the film when this happens.

But I was once in the Orinoco delta and there was this small breeze which made us think the current of the river was flowing upwards.

The local people explained that this effect was due to the breeze.

My 2 cents.


Well, yes, the current seems to go the wrong way.

